Do you want to have a great time dating someone new? Dating is never easy, but there are some tricks to enjoying it, whether you are liking the people you are dating or not. No one likes when dating is a struggle or when it is uncomfortable. Dating can be a fun adventure, and to make sure it is enjoyable there are a few things you should practice. Here are some tips to help you enjoy dating that never go out of style.

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1. Be Yourself
It’s important that you be yourself whenever you are dating. Don’t pretend to be someone you are not when you start dating someone to please them or fit into their preconceived notion of what they want in a partner. Eventually, the truth will come out and that doesn’t typically end well if they find out you’ve been faking it. While it’s important to be yourself, you can present the best version of yourself. As time goes on, you can open up more to let the other person learn more about you. It doesn’t have to be all at once. They will find the good, the bad, and the ugly eventually. If it’s love, they’ll stick around.

Source: YouWorkForThem
2. Talk About Things You Are Passionate About
People are drawn to passion. If there is a cause you love, a hobby you’re excited about, or even something excites you about your religion, you should share and talk about these things. It doesn’t matter what you’re into. Sharing your passions will help you get a handle on who the other person is and if you are compatible. While there is no rush to get to know each other, you should bring up topics that you are passionate about. Having conversations about work and the weather can only go so far.

Source: Munich Startup
3. Dress Well
When you’re dating, you should dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident. You want to dress well but be yourself. It doesn’t mean you need to be dressed up all the time, but it makes the other person feel special if they know you put time and effort into looking nice for your dates. Dressing well has a mental effect on you as well. You will behave in a more contained, careful way that is reflective of you on your best behavior. It makes you feel better, which will show up in how you behave on your dates. Dress well for yourself and to present the person you want to show to the other person.

Source: Tochka
4. Set Boundaries
Setting boundaries can be a challenge. While you may not want to disappoint the person, if you’re not ready for the relationship to go a certain way, you need to remember a few things. First, it’s okay to say no. If you don’t want a sexual relationship yet, you don’t need to have one. You don’t need to give a reason. Your sexual health is important and your obligation is to do what’s right for you. After all, according to a statistic on, 50% of sexually active people get a Sexually Transmitted Infection before the age of 25. That puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? You don’t owe your date anything. It doesn’t matter if your date paid a thousand dollars for your dinner, you owe him or her nothing at the end of it. Do only what you are comfortable with.

Source: All4Women
5. Don’t Drink Too Much
It’s difficult to date because it is nerve-wracking. A lot of people drink to calm the nerves. But be careful not to drink too much. No one likes a messy drunk. When you’re dating, keep your drinks to a minimum for your safety and comfort. Of course, people of all kinds like to drink one or two to loosen you up, but getting smashed on the first date is never a good sign. Alcohol also impairs your judgement. When you first start dating someone, you want all your senses to be alert.

Source: Honolulu Magazine
6. Think Outside The Dinner Box
There are so many fun things to do with your date, don’t settle. Depending on where you live, your dates could take you on a helicopter ride over the ocean, to a local museum, or to a place you’ve both never been before. Creative dates never go out of style. While going to dinner is easy, make a list of fun things in your area that you’d like to enjoy with the person you are dating. It will provide a lot of different things to talk about if you make the effort to do different activities.

Source: Trio Lux Resort
7. Be Direct About What You Want
The cliche “what do you want for dinner?” question gets old when the other person constantly says they don’t know what they want. Ladies, you can eat more than a salad when you go out if that’s what you want. Let the other person know if you want to go fishing, take a hike, or go to see a new art exhibit at the museum. Don’t be afraid to suggest something new to go out and do. Being direct never gets old and actually makes it nice for the other person if they know what to expect from you. Most people would rather have a plan so that you are both content on your date.

Source: AdobeStock
8. Don’t Lead The Other Person On
Remember when we said to be direct? This goes along with that idea. Don’t let your date believe that they are getting something they are not. If you’re not ready for a long-term relationship, don’t tell the other person you are. If you don’t want to include sex just yet, don’t say that you do. While you can’t exactly control what another person thinks or perceives, you can control what you say or do. Being direct helps you be clear about what you want in a relationship and where you hope it’s going.
These dating tips never go out of style and can help you in any situation. Dating isn’t easy, but you can overcome the difficulties and have a lot of fun on dates, whether you like the person as a long-term partner or not. Think about these tips before, during, and after a date and you will be able to make it as clear and fun as possible.