We have all probably heard at least one joke made about females and driving and although most of them are lighthearted and fun, the reality of it is that a person can be a good or bad driver, careful or careless no matter their gender.
Just like with anything else we do, someone can either be very skilled or they might find that operating a vehicle is hard to master. Sometimes, even the best can overlook simple but obvious issues and the chances are pretty high that everyone has made at least one common error while being behind the steering wheel.
However, these mistakes should never be ignored. As simple and small as they might be, they can put you and others in danger but they are also something that you can easily avoid if you are aware that you are making them and try your best to fix them.
Now, let’s take a look at some of the most typical errors people make while on the road whether they realize it or not.
1. Not Positioning Your Mirrors Correctly

Source: bristolpost
There is a reason side-view and rear-view mirrors can be found in your automobile and that is to provide you with as much visibility as possible. Always make sure you have adjusted them appropriately so that your rear-view mirror offers a full view of the back window in a way you can see it with your eyes alone and without having to move your head. The side mirrors should be positioned so that you can barely see the reflection of your car.
By doing this, you can greatly reduce your blind spots or you can even consider getting blind spot mirrors or a warning system to increase your safety.
2. Going Too Slow in the Fast Lane

Source: freep
Fast lanes are called that for a reason and there is nothing more frustrating to others than having to deal with someone who is going too slow. Since they are meant for those who are in a rush, slowing them down can urge them to try and pass you from the inside lane, leading to an accident in the process.
To avoid such risks, stick to a lane that is suitable for your typical driving speed, especially if you are the type of person who is overly cautious.
3. Failing to Schedule Routine Car Checks

Source: cargurus
Broken indicators, low tire pressure, a malfunctioning windshield wiper, and the likes can cause a series of issues from minor crashes to ones with much more dire consequences. This is why it is important to perform regular vehicle checks and have your car serviced at scheduled intervals to ensure maximum safety and efficiency.
This will also help maintain your car so that it will work longer and not break down suddenly and unexpectedly. Even when you are tight on money, try to put aside a small amount for vehicle maintenance so that you will have enough when the time for a check-up comes around.
A Certificate of Roadworthiness
This certificate is also often referred to as an RWC or roadworthy and although it is usually necessary when one wants to sell their car, re-register it, or transfer ownership, it might be a useful thing to have since it shows that your vehicle is safe enough to be used on public roads.
Going through the inspection and getting a certificate is also needed when one is transferring states, making it necessary to have in several situations, although many are still unfamiliar with it.
4. Being Distracted

Source: courierpostonline
One of the worst things to do is not keeping your eyes on the road at all times, yet smartphones cause around a quarter of all accidents. Texting or checking your social media while in the car is extremely dangerous, so restrain yourself and stay off your phone when you are behind the wheel.
Another error women often tend to make, especially young moms, is trying to take care of their child while in transit. Of course, it is heartbreaking to listen to your child cry, but trying to soothe them is putting you both in danger, not to mention other motorists too. If your baby’s crying sounds serious, pull over and take care of them.
5. Driving While Tired

Women have a lot on their plate, especially if they have to work and take care of their families or if they have a baby or a very small child. This is enough responsibility to make anyone tired. However, driving when exhausted is something many do, but should never.
Always know your limits, so if you are too tired and can put something off till tomorrow then do exactly that. If it is urgent, ask your spouse or partner to do it for you. If you are in the middle of your commute and start dozing off, pull over, take a nap, and then continue your journey.
6. Speeding Through a Yellow Light

Source: time
Anyone can tell you that the yellow light means ‘slow down’, so trying to pass it by accelerating is something you never want to do. Trying to gain those few additional seconds, instead of waiting just an extra minute or so will endanger you and other drivers since it can often lead to a collision. Be patient and do not rush. It is better to be late than to take the risk of getting hurt.
7. Misusing the Lights

Source: theglobeandmail
Many people still believe that headlights are to be used at night only. However, this is a common misconception since they should also be used in other instances when weather or certain other conditions are less than optimal. This includes fog, rain, heavy snow, and overcast weather.
High beams should not be used in cases when it is foggy because they can further illuminate it, decreasing visibility even more. Additionally, brights can have a blinding effect on oncoming traffic, so always be mindful and considerate and turn them off. You can always drive slower or flash your high beams if you are worried about what is in front of you.
These errors might seem simple and small compared to many more serious misconducts. Nevertheless, sometimes the smallest of things can cause the biggest problems, so it is important to be conscious of them and do your best to avoid making them. After all, being safe should always be your top priority, especially when using a vehicle.