A large number of men around the world experience erectile dysfunction or ED, for short. While it’s common for those between the age of 40 and 70, it happens quite frequently after 70 years, as well. And it largely affects the relationships people are in. Yes, it’s men’s condition, yet women and whole relationships suffer from it, too.
There are many things that can lead to ED and many options that can help. Most turn to innerbody.com for trusted Bluechew reviews. They are connected to men’s health and their past with illnesses and stress. That’s why it’s tougher to deal with it properly. But this in no case means that it’s impossible. You should just be aware of all the details surrounding this condition and how it can be healed.
To give you a hand, in the following paragraphs, we’ll go over everything. So, let’s start!

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What Erectile Dysfunction Represents
Basically, erectile dysfunction happens when the erection can’t be kept strong and firm in order to have seamless sexual intercourse. This inability is sometimes called impotence, but it becomes a less commonly used term.
For many people out there the problem happens regularly, which poses serious threats to their relationships. Still, it can also be an occurrence that comes from time to time, especially when men are experiencing stress or pressure. Health problems aren’t excluded as a reason, which is why it’s advisable to consult an expert and start treatment as soon as possible if needed.
This leads us to the causes of ED and how to recognize them.

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What are the Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?
In fact, there are many things that can lead to the appearance of this issue. They are mainly related to health, illnesses, and both the mental and physical state of the body. More precisely, men that have cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, depression, anxiety, and similar issues are more prone to this issue happening to them.
Also, ED can be caused by stronger treatments like the one for prostate cancer. In this case, it’s a side effect of the treatment and it doesn’t mean that it’s permanent. Still, research shows that men’s mental health is attacked and the mixed feelings they feel can lead to a more complicated and extended healing process.
Due to this, you should consult a doctor so that they can see what causes ED and how it can be treated properly. It’s true that this isn’t an easy thing, but with support and perseverance, people can get past it.

Source: Plant Based News
Erectile Dysfunction and Relationship
The good news is that ED can be cured. With the right treatment and doctor’s guidance, men can restore their sexual activity. However, this period can be challenging for couples. That’s why the partner should be actively involved in everything and offer support. Understandably, sometimes this can be too much, especially for younger couples, who need to learn to cope with erectile dysfunction and relationship. You can order ED pill online and try it out.
There are multiple ways and approaches that can be tried in order to deal with this problem while saving the relationship. We will discuss a few of them now.

Source: healthscopemag
Open Communication
For many people, this is an uncomfortable topic to talk about. Still, it’s necessary to recognize it and address it so that your partner knows how you’re feeling. So, make sure you find a suitable place and time and talk to them openly. The best way to go through this is if you do it together.
Not to mention that the male may feel embarrassed, unwanted or guilty, and the open communication will reassure them that this isn’t the case.

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Different Types of Intimacy
Partners shouldn’t stop being intimate while the man undergoes treatment for erectile dysfunction. Instead, they should think of other ways to stay close and physically intimate with one another. From holding hands to kissing and cuddling, the possibilities are numerous.
Couples can even attempt sexual activity in various forms that don’t necessarily include penetration.

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Mental health plays a role in men’s ED. For this reason, it should be taken care of on time. And this includes counseling.
There are private sessions that the man can attend where he can openly speak about his problem and feelings without being judged. The counselor can help him overcome his anxiety and stress as well as increase his self-esteem.
Of course counseling for couples is an option, as well. In many instances it has proven as effective, enabling couples to talk about the situation in a space that’s objective and before someone that understands them.

Source: clevelandclinic
Changes in Lifestyle
Finally, before or during the treatment, men may have to make certain changes in their lifestyle like exercising more often, eating healthy, quit smoking, limit alcohol, and others. These contribute to bettering the condition.
Moreover, it’s helpful if the partner joins in and they make the changes together as a form of support.

Source: United Pharmacy
Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
After consulting a doctor, you may have to get treatment in order to heal ED and restore the sexual capability. Some of the common treatment options incorporate:
- Medications – Usually, these are taken orally and include vardenafil, sildenafil or tadalafil as some of the first ones that are recommended by doctors. Many places like topapotheke24.de and similar offer them even online.
- Penile vacuum pump – When medications aren’t enough or cause serious side effects, another option is a vacuum pump. It’s placed over the penis and pumps blood into it.
- Injections – Therapy with injections is a solution, too. Whenever men want to have sexual intercourse, medication is injected into the penis’s side with a small needle.
- Implants – This is a long-term solution that lasts for about 12 to 15 years. The so-called penile implants are placed during surgery and are known to cause satisfaction in most patients that decide to go for this option.
At the end of the day, no matter which treatment you undergo, it’s important to consult with your partner and gain the needed support during the process. Only that way it’ll be successful and both of you will go on being intimate without any troubles.

Source: Urology Austin
A Final Word
What are your experiences with this matter? Have you suffered from this issue or you still do? You can trust us to share everything here.