The modern way of life is very unfavorable to the true nature of human beings. In all the craziness surrounding our work, free time, and relationships, we tend to forget about ourselves and become lost in rushing from one place to the next. It truly does seem that the 24 hours in a day are too few for most people, or rather it is the system and the working hours that are the problem. Considering these circumstances, the overall health and satisfaction levels of men are affected, and often it is very hard to get back on the right track.
It seems that with adult males, no matter if they are in their late twenties or late fifties, these cotemporary problems accumulate and manifest in the worst way possible, which is low libido. The desire for intimacy with your partner often loses value and does not seem like a wonderful escape from reality, simply because the reality is too dominant and too overwhelming. At the end of the day, when one gets home from a hard day at work, they do not feel capable or ready to perform in the bedroom. Both physically and mentally, many people are simply too tired and exhausted despite their deep desire to satisfy their partner.
However, it is the mental part that seems to be the number one problem of low libido in men right now. This is why in the article before you, we tackle the frequently asked question of whether or not stress and anxiety are the main causes of low libido. If you are interested in this topic make sure to thoroughly read the article. For more info and help related to low libido, check out Riverfront Times.

Source: IdeaScale
Chronic feelings of stress due to the tensions at work, school, or home are a dominant problem in modern men. There is simply too much to think about for an average mail, and the older he gets the more issues he tends to experience. If you are a family man, there is the house, the car, your job, the kids, and the wellbeing of everything to think and take care of. Then there are your parents, the extended family, and the friends to worry about. There is so much that can go wrong and turn for the worse in an instant, leaving you with stressful thoughts and a tired mind at the end of the day. When the time comes to get intimate with your loved one and show and receive some affection, it is troublesome to simply forget about everything that is going on. Therefore, yes, of course stress is one of the main causes of low libido and erectile dysfunction in men. Sadly, it is normal and to be expected in 2024.
Luckily, there is a lot you can do to combat it and feel better. For example, you can practice positive thoughts and breathing to relax. Trying to find the positives in the littlest of things is a great way to tackle stress, while breathing correctly for a few minutes relaxes both the body and the mind. Furthermore, doing something for yourself will make you feel better and allow you more time to express who you are and enjoy life. Therefore, take up a hobby, do something you have been putting off, or go back to your favorite, go-to sport, book, video game, or series. The rush of serotonin and happy thoughts will manifest as good vibes in general, getting you in the mood more easily.

Source: Reader’s Digest
The feeling of anxiety is almost always the next logical step after stress. Problems cause us to feel stressed, and it is anxiety that takes over once the stress stays for longer than it should. What is more, even if you manage to resolve all of your issues, anxiety sticks around and you start to unconsciously expect and fear that it may happen again. Therefore, if you experienced low libido due to a stressful situation in your life, the next several times you attempt to be with your partner may be even worse because of your constant, glooming fear of it happening again. This is extremely hard to solve and most people turn to medication or even alcohol to resolve it, as it helps them not feel anything and therefore relax. This is not a good wat to do things of course.
It is much better to take things slowly and do much of the same that we already mentioned above. Doing things that make you happy, practicing positive thoughts and believing in yourself is more than enough. Your true, passionate, and always-in-the-mood self is in there, he just needs some help getting ready. Therefore, remember who you used to be, how much you enjoy the bedroom fun with your partner, and it will slowly start coming back. A lower than usual sex drive is normal in these crazy modern times and you will experience it eventually. The key is to know and to remember that it is not the new normal, but rather an anomaly that will pass sooner or later.
Other Factors

Source: Fresh In Love
There are many other factors that contribute to low libido, and which are often at their worst when combined with stress and anxiety. For example, depression often happens at the same time as stress and anxiety, leading to a complete absence of sex drive and libido. Ageing can be the cause of it too, and it happens at different times with different men. It can occur sooner if your lifestyle and health are questionable so make sure to work out and eliminate bad habits such as drinking and smoking. Some medications may also have low libido and a lack of drive as their dominant side effects. Lastly, you may be experiencing some health problems that may be the result of a sexual health problem. If you suspect something like this, it is best to immediately contact your doctor. The most common health problems in this section include erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, but more serious issues exist as well.