Dirt biking is an extreme sport that combines elements of off-road riding with the speed and agility of a motorbike. It is an exhilarating sport that allows you to reach great speeds and attain a whole new level of excitement. However, before you even think of taking it up you should make sure that you have the right gear. Â Here are 7 Essentials you should have before you take up dirt bike riding.
1. Helmet
If there is one piece of equipment that you should have during a dirtbike session, it is the helmet. Remember that you could survive a broken leg or arm, but if you smash your unprotected head on a hard surface your chances of survival are very slim. So it is important that you have a good quality helmet with you.
When choosing a helmet, it is vital that you pick one that is made of durable and quality materials such as fiberglass or kevlar. The helmet should also be able to cover the entire head area, and still offer neck support at the same time. It should also be designed to fit your head comfortably and have a lining within to ensure full protection.

Source: pexels.com
2. Body Armor
It is a very common thing to fall off your bike during a dirt biking session, so aside from your helmet, you should make sure that you have the right body armor. When you choose body armor, you must make sure that it covers specific parts of your body, such as the shoulder, ribs, and chests. It should be specially reinforced in the spinal area because it is the most vulnerable and could be very damaging.
Your body armor should be durable enough to take damage, and still flexible enough for you to make split-second movements. There is body armor being made nowadays that is perfectly segmented that it covers a large portion of the body without it being too stuffy or tight. Your body armor should work with your bodysuit because it will ensure overall protection no matter how powerful an impact may be.
3. Elbow and Knee Pads
The elbows and knees are very vulnerable parts of the body. They are joined together by ligaments, and if they are stretched or worse shattered, there is a chance your limbs won’t be able to work properly anymore. So, it is imperative that you wear elbow pads and knee pads during your dirt bike sessions. That way, should you have a wipeout or a collision, your knees and elbows will still be intact no matter what damage you sustain.

Source: pexels.com
4. Motorcycle Goggles
As the name implies, dirt biking usually takes place in a very dusty and or muddy area. So it is very easy for the dust and mud to get into your eyes, and during a dirt biking session, this could be dangerous.
When you are looking to purchase goggles, you should purchase one from a reputable motorcycle goggle supplier like Fetoptics. There are a myriad of motorcycle goggles, and there are many features that you could choose from. However, the key characteristic you should look for in motorcycle goggles is their durability and comfort.
They should be able to take damage from a collision or a fall. It is also a good idea to get tinted lenses, to protect your eyes from the glare of the sun. It is also a good idea to test out your goggles before you purchase them. Make sure that they fit your face perfectly. They should be able to cover a majority of your face area. The more facial area the mask covers, the better. Remember that your choice of goggles could mean the difference between your eyes getting injured or keeping them safe.
5. Toolbox
Dirt bikes are different from other motorcycles because they are designed to run through dirt roads, and they have special hydraulics that allows them to jump and tumble without sustaining too much damage. However, no matter how tough a dirt bike may be, there is still a chance that it gets damaged. So it is imperative that you have a toolbox at the ready. The toolbox should have a jack, wrench, and all the other specialized tools for repairing a dirt bike.
If possible you should also bring a mini fire extinguisher in case of a fire. It may be cumbersome, but you’ll thank yourself if your dirt bike catches fire.

Source: pexels.com
6. Jumpsuit
Aside from the body armor, you should also invest in a good quality jumpsuit. Lacerations and cuts are very common during a dirt bike ride because you could easily scrape your arms or legs on rough dirt. So it is important that you have the right clothing.
By having a good quality jumpsuit, you’ll be able to protect yourself from these minor injuries. When choosing your jumpsuit it is important that it is made of tough and fireproof material. This will make sure that you won’t get scalded or burned in case your dirt bike catches fire.
7. Handguard
When it comes to dirt biking, hand injuries are by far the most common. Remember that you are using your hands and arms the most while riding your bike. So they take the most strain and are very very susceptible to getting broken.
This is where handguards come in very handy. Handguards act like a shield against impact, and could be attached to dirt bike handles easily. When choosing a handguard, it is important that you choose one that covers the front part of the handles. It is also important that the material for the handguard is capable of taking damage.

Source: pexels.com
Dirt bike riding is an incredibly fun and cool pastime. Before you do any serious dirt biking though, you should make sure that you have the right tools. With these essential pieces of equipment, you’ll be able to enjoy dirt bike riding with the best protection possible.