Hunting as a sport has been a point of discussion for many decades now, and while some are against it due to the ethical points, other enjoy it and think of it as a natural way to relax. On whatever side you are you have to agree that hunting endangered and near-extinct species is wrong and should be banned everywhere around.
Anyways, Argentina being a country that offers diversity and beautiful nature has recently become popular for dove hunting. It is now one of the most popular places for the traveling sportsman who are looking to spend their shooting hours the best way possible. Luckily, the dove rate in Argentina is not low, and it is one of the most populous animals out there. The dove that is hunted is the so-called Eared dove,
which is very similar to the American (Morning dove) but has a squared tail. But, how does this hunting thing work? Well, there are a lot of hunting clubs that have their own ranches and properties where doves can be hunted.

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You pay for your right to enter the property and hunt a certain number of doves, and it is available almost all 365 days a year.
Let’s take a look at the most popular options when it comes to dove hunting in Argentina.
What Do You Need To Hunt Doves In Argentina?
As mentioned above Eared dove is the bird species that are mostly hunted on hunting properties rented by certain agencies. Anyways, before we get into what packages exist and what are the best regions to hunt doves at, let’s see what you will need to do it.
- When you think about hunting and shooting the first thing that surely comes to your mind is gun. What type of gun do you need and can you bring your own or rent one?
All hunting clubs offer you to rent one of their guns – from 12, 20, 28 gauge Brownings to Benellis and Berettas everything is available. A benefit of renting a gun is that you don’t need a special permit for it, and you don’t have to pay over $100 daily fee for using the gun while in the country. Still, if you have a custom gun that you are used to carrying around and hunt with, be free to bring it. - Other than the gun question, you will just need to take care about the plane ticket and bring everything for your personal needs.
What Are The Best Regions For Hunting Doves?
When it comes to dove hunting in Argentina, the most famous and dove populous region is Cordoba. And the Sierra Brava Lodge will be your best choice as it is situated just 15 minutes from the famous Macha roost, where the dove population is over 20 million. While some come to hunt, some simply come to practice their high altitude shooting and not actually kill the birds. The Sierra Brava Lodge offers 53 different fields covering around 200,000 acres of land and the best season to hunt in is during the spring.
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The offer is pretty affordable as for around $2000 you get few days of high volume shooting on the property, all accommodation, meals, and beverages included, as well as ammunition if you rent the gun. Along with that, you will have porters and bilingual guides that will ease your way through the property! As said the high season is from February to October month, while the season where the chances of hunting in bulk are from November to February. Still, during the whole year, you can go there and enjoy yourself.
The second most famous dove hunting Argentina lodge is Santiago del Estero. It can even be a better destination than the Macha roost when it comes to high volume shooting, and the lodge is a few hours away from Cordoba.
What might be interesting to some is that other than hunting doves, here you can hunt pigeons, Perdiz and even big game. Again the price of the full 3-day package for one hunter is at around $2500, and the only difference is that in this lodge there is no hunting from November to February.
When it comes to dove hunting, Argentina is the right place, and it is fine to go there from time to time if you enjoy it. Still, we will not get into the ethics of it, and we will leave that up to you!