When investing in a pool, we’ve already ample utility for it. The ability to relax at any point in the day as well as cool off during scorching summer days is incredibly useful. Not to mention that it is just plain fun to hop in for a swim after a long, exhausting day. The pool itself can increase your property’s value if you ever decide to move out. The standard run-of-the-mill pool provides us with all of these opportunities, but we can upgrade the whole deal with some nifty features. After all, it’s great to create a much more enjoyable area if possible.
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1. Pool furniture

Source: pinterest.com
According to Flōridian during every swimming session, we are bound to get tired. To do so, we usually need to climb out of the pool or stand in it, which can be impossible in deeper ones or for shorter swimmers. The convenience of adding pool furniture, in this case, is apparent. Instead of having to exit the comfortable waters, we can simply swim to the pool’s walls and unwind by sitting on the built-in benches. The addition of these benches is also perfect for creating a magnificent lounging area inside of your pool where people can relax while cooling off from the ever-encroaching heat. The pool can further be furnished with tables and an umbrella. The tables add convenience to the lounging experience, affording a reliable place to put drinks without spilling them, while the umbrella will keep you in the shade during the relaxing lounging session. Although furniture is already special-made, keep in mind that umbrellas need to be properly resistant to chlorine and endure the pool’s cleaning substances. It is widely suggested that you use stainless steel, aluminum, or fiberglass umbrellas as those are decently resistant to any troublesome materials.
2. Different sections

Source: californiapools.com
The pool doesn’t have to be a single, equally deep area. The design can be as complex as you can afford. This can be purely cosmetic, following an interesting pattern along the pool’s border, or properly functional. An example of a functional design choice is having a tanning ledge in your pool. This area is a separate, shallow section of the pool. The name tells us of its primary purpose. This area is meant for those who wish to do some sunbathing rather than swim. The section can be shallow enough for the person to lay in and bathe, or it can be enhanced with some furniture such as a built-in tanning bed. This section can easily pull double duty as a kiddie pool, especially if it’s fenced off with a separate wall. It’ll allow you to leave kids in the area and monitor them easily while giving them the chance to cool off during summer. The tanning ledge can also be useful for smaller dogs and similar animals that have a hard time keeping cool during summer, affording maximum relaxation to every member of the family. Having a Jacuzzi section is another possibility. This is the high-end luxury of maximum relaxation inside of a bubbly built-in Jacuzzi. It’s also great for evening dips if your area gets a bit chillier during the night.
3. Lights

Source: precisionswimmingpools.com
No matter what pool you have, it will have one inherent flaw. It’s unlit and therefore prone to causing injuries at night. It’s extremely easy to accidentally stumble into the stairs, wall, or any type of irregularity inside as well as next to the pool. This is easily solved by lighting up the area with a variety of available options. The lamps used could be part of the pool floor, adding a lot more clarity to the deal by providing light from the bottom up. They also add a certain sense of flair to the pool, especially if the surrounding area is dimly lit, as it makes water the only properly visible area. The lamps can be inserted on the walls either on the inside of the pool or on top of the walls, providing less illumination in the water but allowing for better visibility around it. There are other options, such as mounted lights and hanging lights, but they also work between switching inside and outside visibility. These lights often come with the ability to change color or give them a certain pattern to automatic color changing. Such a feature is great for enhancing your evening swims with a light show. While it is purely aesthetical, the feature does enhance the experience at any event you hold around your pool.
4. Automatic pool cover and pumps

Source: youtube.com
The process of maintaining the pool is a hassle we often wish didn’t exist. The pool that gets neglected for a bit may become dirty and unavailable for swimming. It’s very easy to reduce the joy of our pool experience by not pulling the cover over it during the night. The various debris, insects, twigs, and other impurities can accumulate, making it mandatory to pick them out. Such an issue can be quickly resolved by implementing an automatic pool cover as suggested by experts from smartselfcleaningpools.com.au. This item allows you to leave the act of covering the pool to programmed devices rather than personal memory. The cover will help your pool retain chlorine as well, reducing the amount of chlorine you need to have. The maintenance of pools goes down with the purchase of covers, as you won’t have to deal with cumbersome debris and dirt all the time. The automatic cover is also useful if you’ve pets at home, preventing them from getting into the pool during the night or accidentally falling in.
Whether you need more functionality to your pool or just additional aesthetic features, these additions to your tool will provide. They aren’t the extent of available accessories by any means but are some of the most useful ones available. You could always add items such as decorative or real plants for additional visual impact as well as shade to your pool. Waterfalls are a nice addition and can be upgraded into water slides by adding a chute through the middle. Overall, the choices are wide-reaching, which is why you should always explore available catalogs when considering pool renovation and upgrades.