Destiny 2 is one of the most popular first-person shooter games in the world with almost 40 million players worldwide. The part that attracts a large chunk of its player base is certainly the game’s PvP mode.
Climbing the ranks and winning as many matches as possible is the only goal you’ll have while playing in the Crucible. On your road to the top, you’ll probably encounter many players who are far more skilled than you, which can get quite frustrating after a while.
If you’d like to learn how to end your losing streak and become a better player yourself, we got your back! Here are some of our favorite tips for Destiny 2 PvP all pro players use.
1. Drop the ego
No matter how good you are at the game, there will always be someone out there who can beat you – it’s simply how it works in all competitive PvP games. When you encounter players who have better skills than you, the worst thing you can do is refuse to acknowledge it. If an enemy player is taking down everyone in your team, adjust your tactic around beating them together. Don’t blame the gear, your team, nor your ping – instead, admit they’re better and work to improve yourself!
Nowadays, toxic players represent the biggest issue in all multiplayer games. They can ruin the game for everyone involved, as they let their ego get in the way of success. So, if you’re one of those players, you’ll need to change your ways as soon as possible. It’s the only way towards improvement!
2. Watch how the pros do it
There’s no better way to improve your skills in Destiny 2 PvP than watching guides and professional games. All you need to do is imitate their strategies until you become good enough to come up with your own!
You can find a plethora of guides and explanations online, so don’t forget to do your research. Once you do, you’ll quickly see some improvements!
Of course, make sure you understand the core game mechanics well before you start watching in-depth video guides. You need to be able to understand why the pros do things they do, and why it’s so effective. As long as you continue researching and learning, you’ll grow into your full potential as a player.
3. Try separating their team

Baiting is unfortunately extremely underused in lower-rank PvP fights. Making the enemies chase you to separate them can be a game-changer (quite literally!) if you know how to utilize it properly. It can catch your enemies off guard, creating optimal gunfights for your entire team.
While there’s some risk involved in this tactic, as long as you practice it and don’t lose sight of your mini-map, you’ll certainly succeed.
Overall, learning how to separate the enemy team and create 1v1 scenarios is of the utmost importance, as it helps you create favorable situations to ultimately help you win the entire fight.
4. Find someone to coach you
Apart from Destiny 2 boosting, here you can find many pro players who’d be willing to coach you towards more wins and a higher overall rank in the game. If you truly feel stuck and like nothing you try works, simply seek help from a professional player.
Otherwise, you can always join an online community of Destiny fans to ask for some tips and coaching. While the player base can be a bit toxic at times, you’ll still find some amazing people who’d be willing to play with you and show you how to get better as quickly as possible.
5. The minimap is an essential feature of the game that should never be ignored

Beginner players oftentimes make the mistake of not having any map awareness whatsoever. It’s a core macro mechanic you should never take for granted. If your enemies know how to take advantage of it and you don’t, you won’t be able to beat them.
Practice looking at the mini-map until it becomes a reflex. You’ll quickly be able to come up with better, more complex strategies to beat the enemy team.
So, yes, rule number one of Destiny 2 PvP has always been: do not take your eyes off the mini-map! As long as you follow this rule, you’ll see the majority of your problems go away.
6. Use heavy ammo to gain an advantage
Heavy ammo could be the perfect opportunity to make a full comeback in a game you thought you were losing. Make sure to be careful whenever someone on the enemy team picks it up as well, and come up with an effective tactic to avoid their rapid attacks.
Besides that, you should learn when to use the heavy ammunition above it all. Don’t let it go to waste by using it up in the wrong moment – learn how to recognize the perfect situation to do so!
7. Enjoy the process and take some breaks from the game

If all you think about while playing Destiny is your rank to the point you’re not having fun anymore – it’s time to take a break. Games should be fun and enjoyable, never stressful.
Similarly, if you’ve been on a long losing streak for some time, perhaps it’s time to take some time off. You can use it to do some research, watch tutorials, and interact with the community to learn new tricks. Then, when you’re back, you’ll quickly end the losing streak and start winning more than ever before.!
The bottom line
Practice, research, and game knowledge are all it takes to get better at Destiny 2. While it’s easier said than done, becoming a skilled player is certainly not impossible. Take advantage of the many useful online guides written by the community, keep your ego out of the picture, and continue playing until you get as good as you want to be!
We hope our article pointed you in the right direction and we want to wish you the best of luck on your journey to climbing the ranks in Destiny 2.