It goes without saying that people love a challenge because the most rewarding things in life are often also the ones that are the hardest to achieve. And this is just as much the case when it comes to love and dating as it is anything else.
That’s why playing a little hard to get works so well on certain guys. So many men love the thrill of the chase and naturally assume that a challenging woman who makes him work for it must be worth it. But there’s a fine art to getting a guy to fall for you by refusing to give him the time of day. Here’s what you need to know to get it right.

Understand the type of guy this works on
Every guy is different, so no one tactic is guaranteed to work on everyone. That’s why it’s so important to know which types of guys respond best to a woman who plays hard to get. Shy, sensitive, or reserved men usually aren’t the type to try this with, as it’s generally hard enough for them to get up the nerve to approach a woman as it is. For that reason, it’s best to be direct and leave no room for error.
But if the guy you’re into is an alpha type who loves feeling powerful, successful, and like he’s won at something important, then strategically ignoring him just might be the way to turn his head. This is especially the case if he’s already noticed you a bit and has given you a reason to think he wouldn’t mind getting to know you better.

Ignoring a guy shows him you’re something special
So many women fall all over themselves when they’re interested in a man, doing anything and everything they can to get him to notice. They laugh at all his jokes, whether they’re funny or not. They hang on his every word and do everything they can to show how special they think he is when what they really should be doing is setting themselves apart.
Playing it cool and periodically ignoring a guy – especially if he’s the kind of guy who’s used to getting whatever he wants from women – helps set you apart in all the right ways. It gets him wondering what you have going for you that all these other women don’t, it makes him determined to find out and even goes a long way toward creating sexual tension that will have him laser focused on only you.

Playing it cool teaches him how to treat you
Whether you’re looking to attract a guy you’re not yet involved with or trying to make one you are involved with appreciate you more, playing hard to get lets a man know how you expect to be treated. It gets him reevaluating you as a possible dating prospect and asking himself whether he really wants to pass up a chance to be with someone like you.
So play it cool with guys who are so used to having options that they don’t readily recognize a good one when it’s staring them in the face. And if he tries to beat you at your own game, show him you don’t have a problem walking away from him. It shows him that you’re not to be trifled with or taken advantage of right out of the gate – a precedent more women could stand to set in their relationships.

You need to ignore him in the right way
When most women hear that they need to play hard to get and ignore a guy, they mistakenly think it means they need to ignore him entirely and act like he doesn’t exist. Doing things that way will only make him believe you truly aren’t interested, and that’s really not the idea.
You need to let the guy know that you are interested in him and find him intriguing. Talk to him, flirt with him, and acknowledge he exists. However, you also need to let him know he needs to work for your affection and attention. If he asks you out or tries to make a clear advance, turn him down. Wait for him to make a real effort worthy of you, so he knows what it takes to win someone like you. Don’t let him get what he wants so quickly, create the space to have him yearning for you. You’re worth the wait.

Always know your worth
Playing hard to get with the guys you want to date is about more than just making sure they know you’re not the type of woman who settles for scraps or who’s willing to be anyone’s second choice. It’s also about knowing your own worth.
So while you’re waiting for the guys you want to make an effort to win you, make sure you’re living your own life to the fullest like the catch that you are. Stay busy. Hang out with your friends and spend time doing things you want to do. Keep your options open in the romance department and talk to other guys, too. Remember, you’re the one who should be pursued. Accept no substitutes.

What about playing hard to get with a potential sugar daddy?
There are plenty of reasons why playing hard to get can be a good strategy for landing a sugar daddy – and keeping his attention once you’ve got it. For one, it makes you more of a challenge, and men often want what they can’t have. If he has to work a little harder to win your affections, he’ll be that much more invested in the relationship when he finally does succeed.
Additionally, playing hard to get shows that you’re not desperate or needy – two major turnoffs for most men. By making him wait for your attentions, you’re conveying that you’re confident and in control – qualities that are sure to appeal to any sugar daddy. And lastly, men enjoy the thrill of the chase, so playing hard to get will keep things exciting in the relationship for longer.
So if you’re on the hunt for a sugar daddy on a sugar dating platform like, don’t be afraid to play a little bit coy – it just might be the ticket to landing the man (and lifestyle) of your dreams.