New Year’s eve. Birthdays. Anniversaries. Weddings. Promotions. Retirements. The list goes on and on. Add the event that comes to your mind! These are the occasions where you need to show your care, love, effort, creativity, and leave an impression of doing something extraordinary to make the person feel special.
This is not always an easy job. Your list of inspiration can easily get empty, after years of draining it. However, if you’re one of the people who are ready to start thinking outside the box, then you might consider unconventional gifts or things that are up to date with the latest technology. Here, we’re not talking about the Airpods Pro or a neck massager (although those gifts are cool!). You can always pack some cold hard cash in a nice envelope and save your time brainstorming what to purchase. But that can sometimes seem like you didn’t care enough to find a personalized gift, that matches the person you’re buying gifts too. But, what if you could use your money to give money, but make people impressed? What if you could use a different currency as your gift?
We guess you already know, we’re talking about cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, specifically. After the big crash a couple of years ago, it came back to the financial world, stronger and more popular than ever. But, as for any other investment, it may seem irrational to invest your money in something virtual, especially something which value fluctuates over time. But what if it fluctuates in your favor? Or, what if you don’t have to save it forever, and you can easily purchase anything you want, paying with crypto? Leave the choice to your loved ones.
Still a matter of discussion, cryptocurrencies have been proven to be unique in several ways. One of them is their purpose that can either be storing the value in your virtual wallet or serving as a medium of exchange. Other than that, every crypto owner is showing the world that he’s a part of it and that he’s successfully adjusted to the new ways of functioning. If you decide to go with bitcoins as a gift for someone, you might start off wondering how to buy them or is there only one option. This guide will showcase the best bitcoin gift options available on the market so that you don’t have to spend more time on research.
Before we dive into the explanation of the process, first you need to choose the best option from a variety of bitcoin gift ideas.
1. Paper or hardware wallet

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This is a cool way to wrap up your money into something different. In this case, you purchase Bitcoin and then you get the keys to access them. These private and public keys have to be stored somewhere. Both paper and hardware wallets work as offline cold storage where the keys you get are completely safe from hackers’ attacks and ready to use whether the person you’re giving the gift to wants to save it or spend it, just like any other form of money. This makes a great gift because you turn something virtual into a physical gift, that you can customize and personalize according to the person’s preferences.
Paper wallets are papers with key information, and they can be printed by you or you can use others’ design templates. After you give it to someone, they have to treat it just like any other paper money, since it can’t be replaced. Hardware wallet on the other hand, makes the best option, according to the opinions of many. This is something like a USB drive with the same keys to your Bitcoin. According to your budget, you can choose the one you like, since they have different designs, colors and sizes. Hardware wallets allow a person to simply plug it into their computer and make use of the keys you gave them.
2. Gift cards

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Somewhat different from other gift cards people are used to, here you store Bitcoin instead of dollars. The person who has a digital gift card can use it to purchase whatever they want, just like they would with any other gift card. The only difference is the currency and the possibilities. After they redeem the card, they get the real money value at an exchange rate of the moment. Sometimes, it’s even possible to have significantly more money in the end, than you’ve planned on giving as a gift if the Bitcoin’s value increases. In every case, your friends and family will be grateful for a gift like this. It’s simple to use, yet interesting, with potentially significant value growth.
3. Physical coins

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Appealing and beautiful, especially for collectors, but not that practical, this is a cool gift if you wanna leave an impression, and amaze someone. It can also be treated as a type of wallet, but just like paper and hardware wallets, you get to have it in physical form. The only thing you should have in mind is that coins are more expensive than you would normally pay, compared to the base Bitcoin price. But, they look great, with a removable hologram and numerous designs.

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A book about cryptocurrencies, socks with little bitcoin prints, shirts, lamps, cufflinks, mugsโฆ You can use your imagination and print bitcoins anywhere you can think of. However, we suggest that you buy someone a pair of socks if you’ve already prepared a paper wallet or anything that has real money value. Otherwise, your friends may be left disappointed.
Here are the steps you need to take to start preparing your perfect bitcoin gift:
1. Purchase

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Choose a reputable source for purchasing Bitcoin. You can invest as much money as you want, there are no limits. Bitcoin can be broken down into one hundred million pieces. This means that you can buy an arbitrary amount of satoshi (Bitcoin parts), depending on the amount of money you’re planning to give someone as a gift. Go URL to complete the first step of the process.
2. Add
After you bought a certain amount of Bitcoin, and you got the public and the private access keys to the money, now it’s time to store those keys and wrap them up as a gift. Think about the best option for the targeted person and choose one of the gift ideas above. Whether you want to go with a paper wallet, physical coins or a gift card for someone more traditional and conventional, or you decide to store them on a hardware wallet or transfer them directly to a digital wallet of a person who already has it, it’s up to you.
3. Pacะบ

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Choose a nice envelope, or a box, write a cool message and you’re good to go!
4. Gift
Give your gift to the person of choice and watch the smile appear on their face!
Bonus tip: Take some time to explain how Bitcoin functions and how to use the gift value, if the person isn’t familiar with the topic. To learn more about bitcoin investing visit this website.
Good luck!