Just like humans, dogs can get bored too. And if you see that your goldendoodle behaves unusually, the very reason for it is that they have nothing to do. There are different ways to entertain your goldendoodle and we are going to list some of them. But let us first analyze their behavior.

Source: Union Lake Pet Services
Common behavior patters
Different dog breeds display different behaviors when they are bored, but some common patterns include:
- Destructiveness
- Sleepiness
First of all, your dogs could become agitated. That means that they have nothing to do. They might start knocking things down in your home or barking. In other words, disrupting peace and being more active than usually could be because of boredom. If you didn’t play with your dog for a while, they might be in need of attention and they are letting you know that.
On the other hand, dogs might refuse to eat and sleep through the day. Dogs, and especially goldendoodles love to sleep and do that quite a lot, but if you are notice that they aren’t interested and they have no desire to do anything, they might be bored and providing entertainment is what you need to do.
The first thing you should check is that they are not having some health issues. If you aren’t sure what to do, visit your local vet and they will tell you if there’s something else wrong with your goldendoodle. Once you establish that everything is ok, then you can deal with boredom.
What are the things you can do to relieve your dog of boredom?
1. Walking Your Dog

Source: The Spruce Pets
If your dog lives with you in the apartment and it doesn’t have a yard where it can run, it is essential that you take him out regularly. Walking short distances might not be enough for your dog. You need to select different routes and change those every few days.
By changing your routes regularly, your dog will always enter a new area and this will be a fun activity. Furthermore, you may encounter some other dogs on your walk and the interaction between the dogs is also important and it acts as mental stimulation. They might smell each other, which you should permit and this leads us to a second point
2. Interaction with Other Dogs

Source: Medium
You don’t need to go for a walk every day – instead go outside to a nearby park where dogs are allowed to run and play and let your dog interact with the neighboring dogs. As owners, you need to supervise, but this can be a great activity for you as well. You get to meet some other people who are also dog lovers and you can exchange experiences and learn about your pets as they run around and play!
3. Get some interactive toys

Source: Doodle Country Mini Goldendoodles
While they are home, dogs tend to do things and it is essential to keep them occupied indoors as well. There are some fairly simply toys that you can buy and that provide a ton of fun for your goldendoodle. The most common one is the tug of war rope, which provides a nice challenge for your pet and keeps them engage.
There are some other things you can do such as hiding treats around the house. You will need to teach your dog to find these treats gradually. You can start off by keeping a treat in each hand and let him guess where it is. After that, it becomes easy to expand.
Another great toy can be a regular tennis ball. You can throw it for them to get it back to you and this really keeps them active and it is fun for you as well.
4. Obedience training

Source: Goldendoodle Advice
A lot of people keep dogs (especially goldendoodles) because they are cute. They cuddle and they are loving animals and you get used to them quickly. However, we often forget that we need to train them. You don’t have to go to the extremes, considering that goldendoodles aren’t dogs used in hunts. Telling them what to do and rewarding them after they do it is something you need to teach your dog. Some simple commands such as “sit”, “Come here” “No”, “Walk” “Stay” are quite enough for started.
Goldendoodles are a bit different than other doggies but you can always learn more about them before you start with your training.
By practicing these every day, your dog will eventually learn and it will be much easier for you to operate around the house. Also, this is a mental challenge for your dog, but they are smart creatures and they will learn these easily!
5. Hire a dog walker

Source: Chicago Tribune
If you don’t have enough time to devote to your pet and you notice that they are getting bored, you can always hire a dog walker to help you out. They will take your dog and walk it for a small fee and you will have some free time in your schedule.
Hiring a dog walker is great for your goldendoodle because they will have a chance to meet some new people and some new dogs! Also, the route will change and dogs will enter new areas, which can be significant for their growth and boredom as well.
6. Cuddle with Your Dog

Source: BarkPost
Last but not least, your dog is your best friend and they are pretty cuddly creatures. They love it when you devote your attention to them and you can turn on a film and watch it while you are petting your dog. They will enjoy this extra attention, that is for sure.
Having a goldendoodle or any other type of pet is a responsible business. While you need to keep them healthy, feed them and walk them, you also need to entertain your dogs. Otherwise, they will get bored and their behavior will change.