If you have been in an accident that is entirely someone else’s fault, you may be due compensation. Injuries, especially ones caused through no fault of your own, can have a massive impact on an individual’s life. It may be that you had to pay out huge amounts for medical bills, rehabilitation services and lost further money due to being unable to work. Furthermore, the mental toll it can take on a person who is unable to resume with their regular, daily lives due to an injury, in whatever form that may take, can be enormous.
There are many different settings and ways in which these injuries can occur, which we will discuss below. If you feel this may apply to you, please keep reading!

Source: DKH Legacy Trust
What is a personal injury lawyer?
A personal injury lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in taking cases from people who have been injured in some way due to another person or workplace being negligent. The lawyer will examine your case to find out if you are due monetary compensation and will then build a case for you. Claims are often settled out of court but can sometimes go to court if an amount cannot be agreed.
There are many different ways in which you can sustain an injury that was not your fault. Here are to name but a few:
- Car accidents
- Accidents on public transport (such as train or bus)
- Trips and falls in places such as supermarkets or stairwells, where the owner of the property is required to ensure the premises are safe at all times
- Workplace injuries
- Other road traffic accidents (cycling or motorcycle injuries)
It must be added that this is not a definitive list as there are many reasons you may seek a personal injury lawyer. However, if you feel you have endured an injury that is due to another entity’s negligence, you are probably due compensation, no matter how large or small.
There are many benefits to hiring a personal injury lawyer, should your claim be successful, you will be compensated.

Source: kleemlaw
Car accidents, unfortunately, are common, and if you find yourself injured in an accident that was not your fault, it is certainly wise to research whether you may be able to claim. Common injuries include neck and back pain often caused by whiplash, broken bones, and sometimes severe injuries that can cause lifelong damage. This kind of damage can lead to a lesser quality of life, which in turn can lead to mental struggles. Many ailments sustained in car accidents will also require rehabilitation treatment, all of which costs money! This all falls under the umbrella of what you may be eligible to receive compensation for.
Falls in public places such as supermarkets that cause injury can also be resolved when hiring a personal injury lawyer. Your lawyer should investigate the case to determine whether it was a genuine ‘accident’, or whether someone else was to blame. This could include a wet floor that had not been properly signed, or some kind of oversight in design. Surveillance camera footage is especially helpful in determining what exactly has occurred in such instances.
If you are injured in a workplace accident, by the fault of your employer or company, should a settlement occur you may receive the sum of your wages that you were unable to receive should your injury have caused you to have to take time off from work. Along with visible body injuries such as burns or cuts, it is also possible to suffer from injuries to the knees, neck, shoulder, back etc. In addition to this, there is also the possibility of developing long term illnesses due to an unsafe workplace. These can include respiratory conditions and cancers caused by asbestos exposure. As anyone can imagine, instances such as these can be devastating for not only the person involved, but their families as well, and proper compensation should be received.

Source: Pines Spine & Joint
Seems like I could benefit from hiring a personal injury lawyer, what next?
If you are interested in hiring a personal injury lawyer, be sure to do your research to find an injury attorney that has your best interests at heart and listens to your hopes and concerns. After contacting a firm, usually by telephone or email, you should set up a consultation where your lawyer can examine your case and determine whether or not they think you are likely to receive your deserved monetary settlement.
If finances are a concern, (as they are to most!), some firms will offer a free consultation, and some will even go as far to offer not receiving any fees from you until you have received your compensation. In other words, you will only pay out to them if you receive compensation, so it becomes a win-win situation either way. Many firms recognize the financial toll that medical bills incur, as well as potential wages lost if you are unable to work due to your injury, whether that be sustained in the workplace or in a car accident, or even in the supermarket aisle during your weekly grocery shop.
Hopefully, your case will be settled outside of court, but if it cannot be, it will go to court, where your lawyer should do their best to create an outcome that is in your favor.

Source: Mechanic Web
Unfortunately, a large amount of people sustain injuries every day, whether through their own mistake or someone else’s. The silver lining is that these injuries do not have to be suffered in vain. A vast variety of injuries are covered under personal injury lawyers, and if you feel you have been wrongfully injured, they may be able to help. Of course, money cannot undo any physical or mental harm that has been done, but it can be vital in ensuring you receive the proper medical treatment and care that you deserve, as well as ensuring you do not suffer major financial losses.