Everyone will be looking forward to taking the much-deserved break during the year end. It is so important for us to take holidays in order to regain our sanity and to unwind from the tedious routines that we have been doing over and over, throughout the year.
Your mental health is important, which is why your year-end holidays are so very important. You can have a lot of fun, without having to worry about waking up early for your office or schools the next day. It will help you a great deal in unwinding your mind, so that you can come back to your normal lives, feeling fully rejuvenated.
Deep down inside, you might be scared about the situation, and the family dramas that are bound to take place. You are not alone! Most families go through this phase.
While the list of things that can go awry in the holiday season can seem endless; it might help to keep in mind that while you can’t control how others behave, you can control how you react to them. If you feel supported, loved and empowered, you can always come back to it when things get tough. Here are some of the common struggles during the holiday season

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Handling finances can be stressful during the holidays:
Holidaying with family members is not cheap. You will have to spend more than what you do in your regular months. Some of the main expenses for your holidays will be on travel tickets, accommodation bookings, shopping, and dining outside. You will have to pay for every bottle of water you drink literally.
It can be even stressful for professionals like freelancers, and those who run small solo businesses. They might actually have to close down their business while going on family holidays. Compromising on the incoming business is never going to be an easy choice.
The best way here is to organize your finances in advance. Make a proper checklist of all the expenses, and see how best you can clear the ones that you can pay in advance.
Make sure that you choose your holiday destinations and time duration, as per your budgets. Don’t forget to keep some money aside for the expenses that you will have to take care of, after coming back from your holidays.
Pick yourself up if you are lonely:
There are many others who have a different kind of stress and struggles to put up with, during the holiday season. They might be deeply missing someone they love or will have to put up with loneliness.
Don’t lose heart, there are many people going through the same pains that you are. You can express your struggles freely on peer support websites like Supportiv. You can also choose to do so anonymously, and learn more about how to cope up with your pains. You never know, it might change you totally as a person, and you might emerge out feeling stronger than ever, like a boss.

Source: EmpowHER
De-fusing tense situations:
We all have that aunt that tend to bully us to do the things her way! Keep in mind that dealing with a bully in the family is more intense than with a random person due to all the emotional charges around family members. Essentially because it involves people, you love or care about, so that makes it difficult.
Shaming, hostile and aggressive teasing, judgment remarks regarding the identity or excessive negative comments can be considered verbal bullying. Although every situation is unique and different the first sign is seeing repeats. If you can, try to have a private conversation. Concrete examples help, trying to let them know it is not them, it is just their behavior. Avoiding accusatory language can also significantly help ease the tension.