As you have probably realized by now, the internet does provide numerous opportunities to earn money from the comfort of your home. And while it may seem lucrative and easy it is not as simple as some might think. Though you are not doing a regular 9 to 5 job you still have to put a lot of effort and time in what you decided to do. Now, being a freelance writer, or a blog writer are some of the most common ways you can earn a good amount of money just from your skills and creativity.
Still, if blogging and writing were that easy everyone would be able to do it. It requires practice, time and effort, and success will not come overnight. On the other hand, if you have a good and unique idea and you are willing to work you shouldn’t have a problem. Let’s go ahead and take a look at the few tips on how to become a blogging star!
Few Tips On Becoming A Successful Blogger
You have heard about your friends blogging and earning more than a few tens of dollars a month just from their articles? Well, that is possible and you can be earning much more with the right approach and will power.

1. First and foremost, if you want to become a successful blogger you will have to be creative. One of the best examples is Sourajit Saha – he writes on a variety of different niches ranging from cryptocurrencies and economy to his favorite movies; still, his blog is not all over the place and all articles have one thing in common – he is writing about his experiences and thoughts. No one likes reading boring and common content – thus if you want to make your way in the blogging industry you will have to figure out a way to attract an audience that will be there to stay.
2. As blogging is mostly writing you should always practice and develop your writing and communication skills. Both of these are really important if you want to come up with a blog article that will be catchy and keep your readers waiting for the next one. While you should write in the first person you should still aim to engage with your audience and write to them as relevant counterparts. Of course, don’t forget to leave a comment section so that they can freely discuss your article and exchange their opinions.

3. Now, apart from the above mentioned two, you will have to be well disciplined and put a lot of effort and time in it. No one will like reading a blog that is updated once a month, and doesn’t follow the latest news or trends, or at least comes up with new topics to discuss. That is why you should figure out a regular schedule like posting twice a week and strictly follow it.
4. Last but not least you should invest in SEO and responsive web design. No reader will stay if they have a hard time navigating your website and finding the article they wanted to look at. That is why you should aim for a clear presentation, that includes relevant keywords and tags, as well as trusty backlinks. With a responsive website that is optimized for mobile experience as well, you are doing your blog a huge favor.

Becoming a blog star is not and shouldn’t be that hard if you are willing to work hard and be disciplined. Of course, writing blog articles does require time and creativity, but if you are ready and have an idea on how your style will look like and what you will write about – give it a go!