No matter what field you’re operating, having a good logo is the first important step towards your growth. Your logo is the face of your company, and the quality of it cannot be overlooked. Logos are the things that represent a company, business, or brand, and they are the things that people will recognize you by. So you can imagine how important your logo is to your audience. Just imagine for a second the logo of Dolce & Gabbana and think what it means and represents in the fashion industry.
The logos for fashion companies and brands are even more important than other logos for companies in other industries. Show anyone the logo of Dolce & Gabbana, and they will instantly recognize the brand name.

So we’ve talked how important it is to have a good logo for your fashion brand, but how do you make one? How do you come up with the inspiration for one? In this article, we are going to give you some tips on how to build your fashion logo in a few minutes.
Creating the Logo- The Baby Steps
You might be a creative person who designs clothes, but you cannot come up with a good logo for your brand. Fear not as that is not your area of expertise. The first step when someone creates a logo is taking a look at the possibilities. You can try and create your own, and one of the simplest and cheapest options is to try tools like LogoCrisp and FreeLogoDesign.
•   Start With an Icon
While not every fashion brand has an icon in their logo, a great place to start is certainly with one. The icon that you use for your logo should have a close connection to the type of clothing your brand creates. Your brand might specialize in women’s clothing or your brand focuses on both male and female spectrums. Having a clear idea of what you do is the most important step you take. If your brand creates accessories such as hats, gloves, belts, and glasses, then incorporate one of those as your logo icon. If your brand specializes in children’s wear, then an animal icon or something related to children is a great place to start brainstorming.

•   Color is KEY!
While there’re black and white logos in the fashion industry, like Dolce & Gabbana, it takes a special touch to make it unique. Far more brands have logos that involve bright colors and color patterns, rather than transparent black and white logos. Take for instance H&M, Ray Bans, Jack Wolfskin, Tommy Hilfiger, etc. What they all have in common is a white text surrounded by colors.
•   Maintain Simplicity
Adding on from the previous point, Google the brands we mentioned and try to think of the similarities between them. A fashion brand doesn’t necessarily need to have a complex logo, and studies show us that simpe works better in the fashion industry. To retrace our point, what all these fashion brands have in common is a simple logo design. White or black text surrounded by a singular or multiple colors works amazingly in the fashion industry. Fashion logos should be simplistic in nature, but there’s nothing wrong if you don’t follow the pattern. You can always try to be unique and create a more complicated logo with icons, lots of colors, and text, but it’s been proven that simple works better.
