A lot of people struggle with debt. Whether they’ve taken a loan for business or otherwise they seem to get stuck along the way of managing them. Somehow they get more loans to pay out their already existing ones and get in more debt than they intended to. To make things more difficult, the interest rates go up and you end up owing more money than you borrowed.
Fortunately, there are small loans you can easily use to pay off your bigger ones. Nowadays, there are even online lending services such as the ones provided by Asteria Lending, which will lend you the money in an instant and help you worry about one less payment. So since the majority of those in debt need a helping hand here are some tips on how to effectively manage your loans:

Source: FinanceBuzz
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Merge Your Loans
The basic idea of managing your loans is making them disappear. If you have bigger and smaller loans try to consolidate them so you can pay the ones with the highest interest rate. When the big loans are off your back you’ll have breathing room and you’ll be able to pay off the smaller ones eventually.
Keep an Eye out on Your Credit
Looking after your credit is an essential part of managing your loans because it affects your credit score. This score will help you get more loans, should you need them or it will tell a bank or a lending company that they shouldn’t give you more money. By paying off your debts you will be eligible for cheaper loans or you’ll be able to lower the interest rates. A good credit score can come in handy when settling your debts so keep track of it.

Source: moneyforlunch
Manage Your Debt Personally
Managing debt is about the fiscal discipline you can learn on your own. You can seek out credit counselors to help you out, but you’ll have to pay for their service as well. Good fiscal discipline means keeping out of new debt. A basic rule of thumb would be not to take any debt unless you can manage it.
Get Aggressive
The only thing you need to get aggressive about is paying on time. Cut your spending as much as possible and pay your bills. Also, if you have some kind of emergency funds use them to pay off your debts. Paying off more than the monthly requirement will help you get rid of your debt more quickly. When you’re safe you can rebuild your emergency fund.

Source: Hoyes – Michalos Bankruptcy
Choose Your Help Carefully
If you feel like you can’t figure out your debts then you should seek the help of a professional. You can find many strategies to manage it yourself and there is an endless amount of tips on how to manage your debts available online, but leaving the work in the hands of a credit counselor is a guarantee that they will make sure to find the best way to get rid of the debt. However, this should be your last resort since the services of lenders, debt settlement companies and counselors aren’t free.