You have probably been studying and struggling for years and years to finish those college courses. You finally get your diploma, certificate or whatever else it is, and now you are ready to take on the world. With the knowledge you have gathered all those years, now you can finally use it to do something important, like help build a website, the next big application or game, or even be a part of some huge brand like Google.
However, you haven’t been the luckiest when it comes to job hunting and you are now stuck in some small office or cubicle sharing it with hundreds of other people. Probably commuting for hours to get to the office building, following some strict outfit regulations like wearing a tie or a shirt and a bunch of other things that can be obnoxious. Especially, when you have to do this every single day for months or even years.
For this reason, a lot of developers believe that their skills should enable them the opportunity to work from home, or in other words, they are able to do work remotely. Fortunately, with the quick development of our communication technology, the internet, the processing power of our phones and laptops, remote jobs have become a much more widespread thing than a couple of years ago.

Source: Digirupt
Working remotely can be a life-changer if you want to focus on some other aspects of your life, such as your girlfriend, family, kids or maybe you want to focus on yourself. If you want to get fit, lead a healthier lifestyle or boost your social presence, you will need some time off “normal jobs.” By having a remote job, you will get that free time while you are getting handsomely paid. However, finding such a remote job is not as easy for everyone. So, if you want to work from home, from your weekend house or while you are on vacation, you should check out our guide on how to find remote work opportunities much easier.
Visit online developer job boards
Just as there were job boards on newspaper in the past, there are now various job boards you can find online. The great thing about these online boards is that you can easily tighten your search by selecting whether you want to be full-time, part-time or just a contract worker. You can also find developer-focused job boards where you can specify your expertise, whether its web development, Java coding or any other coding language you understand. With these job boards, you will ensure that you find the right job for you and the right work times.
If you are looking for online work opportunities for developers, we recommend that you check out

Source: LinkedIn
Check out developer forums
A great way to get access to remote work opportunities for developers is by frequenting the developer community forums. Since there are hundreds of online websites with communities that are ready to help you progress as a developer, you can easily find people who are looking for skilled developers, no matter what your previous experience is.