What are the classic signs that someone wants to be with you and is serious about you and your relationship? This is one of the most common thoughts someone might have when they first start dating someone. No one really wants to be blindsided, you do not want to meet someone, let yourself for a future with someone just to later discover that they do not have the same feelings as you? Discovering that someone does not have the same feelings and hopes as you can be heartbreaking, however, discovering that a guy really likes you back and want you in their life in the future is probably one of the most amazing feelings that you might experience. There are some telltale signs that a guy is serious about you and the future of your relationship, and here is a list of signs that someone is a perfect match for you:
1. He is honest

Source: Global
If he expresses himself freely, talks openly about future plans, and tells you how much you actually mean to him means that he is quite transparent. However, if he does not talk openly to you, then it might be a sign that does not feel the same way about you and your relationship.
2. He goes deep

Source: Hindustan Times
If he can talk and listen to you for hours, wants to know everything about you, and asks a ton of questions, he is someone who really cares about what you think. It becomes even better when you discover that he actually listens to what you said and remembers some small details that you have told him.
3. He wants to be exclusive

Source: Breakups Are A Bitch
If he does not beat around the bush and has no problem with calling you his girlfriend, then you know exactly where you stand with him. When someone does not make their attentions clear and known, you really cannot conclude what you two are. A man who truly wants to be in a relationship with you will make it clear that he wants only you.
4. He keeps his promises

Source: Dealslama.com
If he promised to, for example, take you out for dinner on a Friday night, and if he did not stand you up even after a long day of work, means that he keeps his promises, even the smallest ones. A person who wants to be with you will keep his promises, he will not make empty ones.
5. He treats you as a priority

Source: MyDomaine
This connects to the previous point, you come first in his life most of the time. Of course, you cannot be first all the time, since that is not possible. Sometimes, there might be a more urgent matter, but if he makes sure that you know that you are still important to him, then it is a clear sign that he cares about how you might feel. According to a dating website, being a priority does not mean that he needs to abandon everything else just so that he can be with you, that might create a relationship that is unhealthy and toxic. If you want to learn more about this, you can see more here.
6. He shows you through his actions

Source: Vision Spectra News
It is easy to say that you like or love someone, however, showing it through their actions is an entirely different story. When someone is serious about you, you will be able to see it all over him. It is all about how he treats and looks at you.
These are some common telltales that you can look for if you are wondering about if the man you are with is the right one for you.