Congratulations! You are now in the 6th week of your pregnancy and already feeling very pregnant even though it could still be early for the pregnancy to start showing. This is a week where you could already be familiar with the numerous pregnancy symptoms women go through. If at all you still do not have any symptoms, there is nothing to get you worked up but you had better start preparing for when the symptoms strike.
At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is growing rapidly and it is actually adding a millimeter with each passing day. This can sound like a minute development but it is quite significant and soon it will no longer be referred to as an embryo but a fetus. As the week nears an end, the head of the growing baby will look much bigger than the rest of the body as the brain develops quite fast. Other parts of the body including hands, arms and shoulders will lengthen forming a baby slowly.

Source: Spilt Arts
Depending on your body mass index, you could already be showing signs of pregnancy. Even though it might not be clear for others, you definitely can feel the clothes becoming a bit tight as the uterus continues to expand to accommodate the baby. This is probably the week you want to start getting your maternity wear ready since in no time you won’t be fitting into your regular clothes. Everything from the top and bottoms to underwear and bras needs to be carefully selected to ensure that you remain as comfortable as possible throughout the pregnancy.
At this juncture, you probably want to shout to the world that you are 6 weeks pregnant but it could be a little early for that. You can, however, start preparing to break the news to your close friends and family before they all see for themselves in a few coming weeks. They always feel special when you tell them in advance as compared to having them wait till the belly is clearly grown announcing the soon arrival of baby.

Source: SmartParents
The symptoms of pregnancy may have already set in and if not yet, then you should get preparing since they could set in any time now. If you are still missing the symptoms, it could be that you are among the lucky few who experience mild symptoms throughout pregnancy. However, if you have been having the symptoms only for them to suddenly disappear, then alert your doctor. It could be nothing serious since the hormones are now more balanced or it could be a danger sign so always have your doctor evaluate the situation.
According to, eating right is crucial at 6 weeks of pregnancy and you also need to ensure that you remain well hydrated regardless of how many times you have to go to the bathroom. The frequent urination is actually a common and usual symptom during this week as the uterus exerts pressure on the bladder and should not hinder you from taking enough water every day.