The typical ejaculation volume can vary between individuals from 1.5 ml to 5 ml, so about one teaspoon. Not all men produce equal amounts, and as it turns out, there is a peak age for ejaculate volume. Volume is related to age, reaching a maximum in the mid-thirties and decreasing after the age of 50.
So is it possible to cum like a porn star? Or is the amount of cum you ejaculate set in stone with your genetics? Lucky for you, there are things you can do to change the amount of semen volume you produce, like living a healthy lifestyle, avoiding smoking, and taking effective sexual enhancement supplements like Load Boost.

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What is semen volume?
When it comes to semen volume, there are a few things to consider. First, what is the average semen volume? Second, what is the range of normal semen volumes? And third, how can you increase your semen volume?
The average human ejaculate contains between 2 and 5 milliliters of semen. This is according to a study published in the Journal of Andrology in 2002. The study found that the average ejaculate contained 2.7 mL of semen. However, the study also found that there was a wide range of normal values, with some men producing as little as 0.4 mL and others producing up to 9 mL.
Decrease Your Ejaculation Frequency
One big determinant of your semen volume is how recently you last ejaculated. While you or your partner might prefer to have more consistent sex with less semen as opposed to less sex that produces more, if you want to increase volume, ejaculating less often is one way to do it.
The more frequently you do it, the less time you’re giving your body to refill the reserves. Giving yourself a break of a day or two can help you get back to your normal ejaculate levels. Engaging in “edging,” a sexual technique where you come close to climaxing but don’t, can lead to a bigger ejaculation when you finally do reach orgasm.

Avoid Smoking
Smoking cigarettes can have a serious impact on your ability to achieve and maintain an erection. Cigarettes can also have negative impacts on other parts of the male reproductive system.
Smoking is linked to almost every bad thing that can happen in your body. Some theorize smoking can inhibit your prostate’s ability to produce secretions. Others believe it’s the potential nerve damage that affects ejaculation. Regardless of whether you have problems or not, stopping smoking is good for your health.
Stay Hydrated
Considering semen is a liquid, staying hydrated can have a positive impact on your ejaculation size. Semen is mostly made up of water.
Like all organic matter, our bodies are primarily made up of water. Inadequate water intake can affect your entire body, including your semen. As dehydration occurs, your body begins to cleave to all the remaining water, sending it to where it’s most needed for survival. In addition to ridding the body of toxins and producing a healthier ejaculate, proper hydration will also increase how much semen you produce.

Supplements To Increase Semen Volume
Aside from eating healthy foods and avoiding smoking, there are some supplements that have a positive effect on prostate health and semen volume. Some of these include Pygeum, Zinc, and L-Arginine. Zinc is probably the most common one, as Zinc is a crucial building block of semen. Giving your body the Zinc it needs means your prostate can function and make the most semen possible. Instead of taking multiple different supplements at varied doses there is a combination supplement called Load Boost that offers all the essential vitamins and nutrients necessary to make sure you have intensified orgasms and increased semen volume.
Does zinc increase sperm volume?
Yes, zinc can increase sperm volume.
Zinc is an essential mineral for male reproductive health. It helps to produce testosterone and other hormones necessary for sperm production. Additionally, zinc is necessary for the proper development of sperm. A zinc deficiency can lead to a decrease in sperm count and motility.
Supplementing with zinc has been shown to increase sperm volume in men with a zinc deficiency. However, it is unclear if supplementing with zinc will have any effect on healthy men who already have normal levels of zinc. More research is needed in this area.

Does Load Boost Work?
Since Load Boost doesn’t hide any of its ingredients behind a “proprietary blend” we can examine how effective it will be. Load Boost consists of ingredients known to improve prostate health and increase semen volume. As mentioned above, Pygeum, Zinc, and L-Arginine are essential. Another ingredient that makes Load Boost effective is Lecithin. Something you will find sets Load Boost apart is the addition of Bromelain, or pineapple extract, which increases semen quality as well as increasing semen taste.
Make the most of your ejaculations
While the above mentioned methods do work on their own, it’s best to combine living a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, and taking effective supplements like Load Boost. With these combinations you’re sure to have the mind blowing orgasm you’ve always dreamed of!

After doing some research, it seems that there is mixed evidence on whether taking supplements can actually increase semen volume. Some studies seem to suggest that it is effective, while other studies are not so sure.
Overall, it seems like taking supplements may help to increase semen volume in some people. However, more research is needed to confirm this. If you’re interested in trying supplements to increase your semen volume, talk to your doctor first to see if they are right for you.