A common misconception worldwide is that the idea of an electric car is a new one. The concept was, in fact, introduced back in 1832 by Robert Anderson. It was refined in 1884 by an English innovator called Thomas Parker. A lot of electric taxis were set up back then but they were unpopularized by developments in the use of diesel and petrol. This seems like a shame because if electric cars became popular instead of diesel and petrol ones, it could have saved us more than a century of environmental pollution due to automobiles.
Now companies like Tesla and Nissan are leading manufacturers of electric vehicles. Electric cars are so popular now that the UK has more electric vehicle charging stations than petrol stations! Great news for EV Charger Manufacturer right? Let us look at some interesting facts and instructions about electric vehicles. Click here for more information
Silence is No Longer a Plus Point of Electric Cars

Source: conserve-energy-future.com
Electric cars are known for their smoothe no-noise drives. However, due to new safety laws and regulations in the European Union, electric cars are mandated to give out an artificial noise. This is so pedestrians and cyclists can hear these cars approach. But do not worry! Manufacturers have complied with the law with extreme cleverness. The noise is emitted by the exterior of the car so no one inside can hear it. Cool, right?
Electric Vehicles Are Super Eco-Friendly
Automobiles and transport combine to become one of the greatest contributors to air pollution and global warming. The use of electric cars has made the environment greener and it needs to grow even more! Harvard studies have shown unprecedented correlations between exposure to automobile smoke and extreme COVID-19 symptoms.
Not only this, petrol and diesel-powered vehicles compromise our health in other ways. They contribute to diseases like bronchitis, asthma, and lung cancer. Basically, they are detrimental to the health of those who have lungs related afflictions. Using and promoting electric cars means you are actively saving lives!
There Are 3 Different Types of Electric Cars

Source: forbes.com
The first type is battery EV. This type is powered by a pack of batteries that stores electricity. Fuel cell electric vehicles use redox reactions to power the car! They split hydrogen molecules using an oxidizing agent like Oxygen to produce electricity that runs the motor. The third type is plug-in hybrids. These actually need petrol and diesel as well as a rechargeable battery to run. Thus the name ‘hybrids’.
The different types of electric vehicle technologies have different functionalities. This means that we do not just see electric cars, we get to use electric transit buses in New York, electric firetrucks, tractors, sanitation trucks, garbage trucks, and hopefully many more. This growth is very much needed. Warehouses get their occupants transferred to them from petrol and diesel-powered trucks that travel cross-country. This produces a lot of air pollution. An active effort from the governments to draft policies that compell large corporations to use electric trucks to transport their goods is much needed. This small change will make a huge impact on the number of carbon emissions currently being emitted.
No matter which type of electric car you have you still need an EV Charge Point, and for more information about it visit https://www.applegarth.co.uk/
Solar Powered Electric Cars Are a Thing!
Solar-powered electric cars actually exist! The solar panels are installed on the roof of the car and the panels convert sunlight to electricity in dayligh hours, helping the car run. Using a solar-powered system increases an electric cars utility electricity rate by almost forty percent. These cars use photovoltaic cells and store some energy to help the, run at night when sunlight is not present.
You Can Charge Your EV at Home
Electric vehicle chargers are quite easily available now. They come in form of convenient wall connectors that anyone can use. You can get one installed at you home if you own an electric car. This initial investment helps you save on the costs of recharging from EV charging stations that charge a profit margin as well.
Eco-friendly, sustainable step employers can take to encourage their employees to move towards electric cars is to install electric vehicle charges in garages of office buildings. These chargers can conveniently be installed almost anywhere. This means parking spaces, bus stops, and much more. This will provide ease for electric buses and trucks. Plus it will encourage people who live in apartments or rent places, who do not have the prerogative to install a charger where they live, to buy electric cars as well.
EVs Are Low Maintenance
Contrary to popular belief, electric vehicles are quite low maintenance. There is no engine you need to take care of and expensive oil replacements are not required. Even braking oil is not needed excessively. The regenerative braking system means low brake has to be applied to slow down, because the car slows down automatically when no accelerator is applied.
These are also efficient in convering energy to actuall mechanical output. Regular cars waste eighty percent of the energy they produce! Compared to this, electric cars only waste about twenty percent.
2018 statistics show 59,700 new electric cars bought by consumers in the UK. This means in 2018 a new electric car was bought every nine minutes! EVs now make up for almost six percent of total car registrations. That is a huge increase from just a few years ago. But this market needs to grow dramatically.
Electric cars are clearly a much needed sustainable technology. This is one of those products that all governments need to initiate their best efforts in popularizing. Countries that have high taxation rates on imports need to make exceptions for electric cars so there EVs can be normalized worldwide, even in developing countries.