When you have free time, what is the first thing that you would do? 20 years ago, the answer to this question would be – “I would spend some time with my friends, go outside in nature, etc”. Indeed, some people would also answer the same way even today, but the number of those people is not extremely big.
Thanks to advanced technology, more and more people decide to stay at home and enjoy the online world. Things they usually do there are listening to music, chatting with friends on different social media networks, watching their favorite movies, and…playing games.
The last one is probably the most entertaining because you are virtually interacting with people that have the same goal as you. Another great thing about games is the fact that you can choose between a wide range of them. One of the games that definitely attracts a big number of people is World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.
If you are not too familiar with this game, or you only played it a couple of times, then you need to know some things. Not a long time ago, the maximum level people could reach was 120. However, currently, the maximum level you can reach is 60. This is one of the biggest changes that regular players have experienced.
At first glance, this would mean that you would need a lot less time to level up your characters to the fullest. However, don’t expect you will manage to do that over the night by using some usual strategies and tactics.
Leveling up is a process that lasts, but there are a couple of things to do if you want to level up quickly in Shadowlands. If you are interested in fast gearing and wish to save your time – visit this website Leprestore.com. We prepared a list of tips for you that you can start using immediately after reading this article. Thank us later!

Source: NME
1. What to Do Between Level 1 and 10
As you already know, your journey starts at level one. If you are a complete newbie, then we believe everything will look confusing and challenging to you. Because of that, we do not recommend you immediately start applying tips that we have for you. Instead of that, spend some time researching the game because that is the only way to get familiar with all the details.
It can also happen that you start from level 10, but that only counts for the allied races. If you decide on a basic array of races, then, as mentioned, you will start at level 1.
Anyway, when you are at level one, by default, you will be sent to Exile’s Reach. That is something you simply can’t influence. It is a self-contained island where players can make their first steps. On the other hand, if you are the type of player that has some other leveled-up characters, then you have the right to choose. One option is to choose the Exile’s reach while the other one is to decide on the traditional leveling area. Well, in this case, if you want to level up your character quicker, a lot better option is to choose the Exile’s Reach. Believe it or not, you won’t need more than 2 hours (3 maybe if you are a complete newbie) to jump for 10 levels. That is the quickest way to level up in Shadowlands.

Source: DLLs Pedia
2. What to Do between Levels 10 and 50
When you reach level 10, things become to be different. All the players start to get some quests that are related to the latest Battle for Azeroth expansion. You have the right to choose what exactly you will do, but most people decide to follow these quests. That is the only way they can reach the so-called islands of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. It is a place where you can see all the recent chapters of the history of this game.
Anyway, don’t get confused when you hear the phrase “more modern quests”. This doesn’t mean they are more difficult; on the contrary, they are perfect for all the new players. In case you are an experienced play, then you have even more options. You have the freedom to swap to all types of expansion in order to level in using Chromie. For those that do not know, this is a time-traveling gnome-dragon that you can find in the Stormwind. However, will every possible expansion help you level quickly?

Source: Polygon
3. Pick the Right Expansions!
The answer to the question from the previous paragraph is no. You need to be wise and pick the right expansion that will help you level quickly in Shadowlands. Legion or Warlords of Draenor will give you some appropriate questin density that will allow you to level faster. Despite that, it is good to mention that Legion’s expansion is an excellent thing when we talk about the design or storyline and zone of the game. Speaking of Warlords of Draenor, it will probably take you less than 50% of the time you would have to use to level through Burning Crusade.
Another thing you can choose is the Battle for Azeroth. The story integration is pretty modern there, so you may want to try out that as an alternative.

Source: Forbes
4. You Can Level Quicker by Investing Money
This is a piece of advice that people with a good budget and afford. If gaming is your real passion, then you won’t hesitate to spend some money on your improvement. Besides, you may manage to become a professional player one day. Because of that, you should consider this as a long-term investment.
So, what you exactly should do? There are a couple of websites there where you can purchase Shadowlands boosts. If this seems like a good idea to you, then you will probably have to read more about the boosts you can purchase before spending your money. However, we need to make something clear here. You need to ensure that the boost you are buying is truly going to improve the speed of your progress and help you become a better player. So, think twice before spending your money.

Source: Dot Esports
Final Thought
All the pieces of advice we provided you with are going to help you level quickly in Shadowlands. It is up to you whether you will apply them or not. If there are some other tactics you like more, you can use them as well, but we suggest you check out carefully whether they will truly bring the desired results.