If you are at the stadium in life where you’re ready to get yourself a house to call it home, there are few options available for you. The ones most people are presented with are complete package home and lock-up package. The first one probably sounds familiar, and the name explains most of it, but what about the later one? If you don’t know what it is, you came to the right place as we’re about to tell you what are lock-up packages.
Lock up package includes a house which is not completed entirely. Yes, you heard it well, there’s work left to be done. We are only talking about foundations laid in place in terms of flooring, walls, and roof. When you look at the lock-up package from the outside, the house seems completed. But, it’s far from that. When you buy a property in this stadium of development, you receive an unfinished product. The most important thing is that the house is safe from outsiders and from the weather conditions. The most basic form of a lock-up package won’t include any part of the electrical, plumbing, or any other type of installations. We are talking only about doors, windows, and roofs, all intended to make the house waterproof and secure from people who would attempt to go inside.
Everything else if you go with this package is left entirely up to you. If you are a person who enjoys dealing with insulation, flooring, and painting, you’re about to have a lot of fun and hard work, of course. Some people repent for taking on this option as they often underestimate the amount of work needed to complete a house.
When to Consider This Option?
We can’t tell you what to do or don’t do, but taking on a lock-up package house is not a task everyone should take. If you are someone who has no experience in construction, you should not try to complete a home on your own. The best will be if you have some prior experience in construction. If this is the case, go on and take this task on your shoulders, as you should know what to do and where to go. Also, if you have a dream to do most of the work in a place you plan to call home, a lock-up package is what you’re looking for. Deciding every minor detail on the interior can be done this way, and if you are a ‘do it yourself’ guy, you’re welcome to give it a shot. In the end, if this is what you want to do, giving yourself a head start would be a wise option, and choosing a full lock up timber frame home from Hamill Creek Timber Frame Homes is the foundation you want to have.
Benefits of Lock-Up Package
While this venture can be complicated and requires a lot of work, it comes with positives. We are going to show you just a couple of main ones that will maybe aid your desire for a lock-up package.
* Saving Money – As we said, if you know your way around the construction, you can make this work efficiently. By taking most of the work upon yourself, you can save plenty on contractors. Once you’re the home builder, getting all the materials is all up to you. This allows you to negotiate the prices, especially if you know the local dealer for building materials. Furthermore, when one starts working on a house, he can expect a lot of help from friends and family, which lowers the costs of the workforce. You also really don’t need to spend too much on painting and carpentry as these duties do not require any special knowledge. If you are on a budget, this could be a great way to save a lot by carefully planning and do most of the work by yourself.
* Getting What You Want – Saving money opens many other doors for you. If you cut the budget in one place, you can spend it somewhere else, where you believe it’s a better option. For example, you can cut costs on painting and bathroom floors but go with hardwood all over the house. This is just one of the choices you have. Basically, all the decisions are on you, and you can have the home of your dreams built by yourself the way you want it. If you leave the details to our contractor, you’ll probably receive a monotonous house. When you choose a lock-up package, you can choose whatever color you want and even paint all the rooms differently. DIY is sometimes the way to go, for aesthetic reasons.
* Flexibility – everything is way more flexible with this package. Not only that you have more control over your finances and your choices, but there’s also no timeline for the completion of your work. With the contractor out of the picture, there’s no one to pressure you to finish or to pay anything. All of a sudden, you’ll be running on your own schedule. This way, you’ll actually have more time on your hands, and if you want it so, more work is done. As we stated at the beginning, the house will be protected from outside influences and weather conditions, and all that would be left for you is to finish it when and how you want it.
Lock-up packages are a viable option for people who want to partake in building their homes. You get an unfinished product that requires a lot of hard work and at least basic knowledge of construction. Your reward is going to be the sweat you put into building a place for your family. Just imagine the look on the faces of your grandchildren when you tell them that the insides of your house were made by your two hands. Priceless! Indeed an experience you could look forward to while you put in the hard work right now.