While Google helps us stay on top of the world by constantly updating its algorithms, keyword search remains a constant need for inbound marketers wishing to optimize their websites for search.
The importance of the search for keywords is always actual. But the way in which this research is carried out has changed considerably.
Search method for keywords for your SEO strategy
Here is the method to follow to perform an effective keyword search. You can then apply it to create and streamline a list of terms to target. You will then be able to implement and execute a strategy of keywords that will improve the visibility of your website. You can try the keyword rank checker from Outrankio.
Write a list of important and relevant topics to describe your business
To begin with, Make a list of themes that will serve as generic categories for ranking your site. You should be able to highlight 5 to 10 main categories of themes for your business. They will be used later to find specific keywords.
If you regularly post articles on your blog, it is likely that these categories refer to the topics that are commonly discussed on your blog. Perhaps these will be the topics of conversation most often discussed with your sales team.
Put yourself in the place of your own buyer personas: what kind of topics could your target audience research and which ones would you like to see associated with your company in the research? For example, if you were the Outrankio company, your general topic categories could then be “inbound marketing”, “blogging”, “incoming marketing”, “e-mail marketing”, “lead generation”, “SEO”, “social networks” and ” marketing automation “.
Inform these categories of themes with keywords
Now that you have defined different themes find keywords to describe them. These are expressions containing several keywords that you think are important for your ranking in the results pages, as your target client’s searches probably include these specific terms.
For example, in the case of a software publisher inbound marketing, take the theme category “marketing automation,” I would then think about phrases containing keywords that people would likely look for on this theme, including :
- Marketing tools automation
- how to use marketing automation software
- what is marketing automation?
- How do I know if I should use marketing automation software?
- maturation of leads
- marketing automation e-mail
- the best automation tools
The purpose of this step is not to define a definitive list of keyword phrases, but to get sentence ideas that your potential clients could use to search for information related to this specific theme category. We will further streamline this list so that it is not too voluminous.
Although Google is creating more and more keywords daily, another effective solution that you can apply to your keyword ideas is to guess which ones are already being used to find your website. To do this, you will need to use web analytics software, such as Google Analytics or the Outrankio tool. Closely examine the traffic sources on your website and analyze the traffic category for your SEO to identify the keywords that visitors use to find your site.
Repeat this exercise for as many categories of themes as you wish. If you have difficulty finding relevant search terms, you can always turn to your employees who are in the field (such as your sales team or technical support) and ask them about the types of terms their prospects and customers use or the questions they are frequently asked. All of these elements are usually used as starting points for your keyword search.
Search for associated search terms
This is a step in which you have to be imaginative and which you may have already thought of in your keyword search. If not, this step will help you fill out your lists.
If you have trouble finding other keywords that your visitors can use to search for a specific theme, go to the site Google.com and take a look at the associated search terms. These will display once you have entered your sentence and scrolls the Google results page down. These keywords can inspire other keywords to consider.
A quick tip: enter some of these Associated search terms and consult their associated search terms.
Associate short train terms and long train keywords in each category
If you do not know the difference between short tail and long tail keywords, some clarification is required. Short draught terms are generally shorter and more generic terms made up of keywords. They usually contain one to three words, depending on the target audience. In contrast, long tailed keywords are longer expressions composed of at least three keywords.
Make sure you have a mix of long and short terms so that your keyword strategy is balanced and effective in both the short and long terms. Terms with a long tail, which are generally the subject of more frequent searches, are often (most of the time) much more competitive and difficult to classify than terms with a long tail.
Congratulations! You now have a list of keywords that will allow you to focus on themes that best describe your business and that will be just as effective in the short term as in the long term.
Be sure to re-evaluate these keywords every two or three months. I personally recommend that you do it once a quarter, but some companies prefer to do it more often.
As your site’s reputation improves in the results pages, you will be able to add more and more keywords to your lists to maintain your current presence, but also expand your presence in new areas.