An unnamed guy in Israel divorced his wife this week, after she accumulated 550 cats. The guy complained that he could no longer sleep in the couple’s bed or move around their house because the cats were everywhere. The couple tried counseling, but the woman eventually chose the cats over her husband.
And here’s where I have no sympathy for this dude. Because 550 cats doesn’t just happen overnight. Guy, you had time, say around cat 20 or 30, to voice that you were uncomfortable with the situation. Maybe around cat 100 you could have thrown out an ultimatum. But you didn’t. Instead, you waited until your wife was 550 cats deep before you took some action. So this problem is just as much yours as it is hers. Just as a 1,000 pound man doesn’t just suddenly wake up and realize that he needs the fire department to come and break him out of his own living room, owning 550 cats is a problem that develops over time.
I will say though, that I’m sure the ammonia smell from the litter box was probably no picnic.
[Times of Israel]
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