Due to overworked schedules and burnout nowadays, people often find themselves in stressful situations. Whether it is a strict deadline to meet or keeping a balance between work and home, any situation can prove to be a trigger point leading to anxiety. Every day becomes a struggle. Coping with anxiety in small ways can prove to be a good way of managing it. It must be prevented otherwise it may lead to depression. Some people do not realize it but later in their life, it can take a toll on their mental and physical health.

Source: hbr.org
There can be various factors behind anxiety. People feel a whole lot of severe emotions at the same time. Common symptoms are as follows:
- Restlessness
- Being irritable
- Fatigue
- Difficulty to concentrate on certain things
- Attention-deficit
- Frequent headaches
- Existential crisis
All these symptoms can be managed in small steps.
The factors behind an anxiety attack may vary from person to person. Sometimes, flashbacks from childhood trauma may lead to anxiety. Bad life experiences which include abuse, bereavement, or loss of a dear one may also take a person on the verge of a meltdown. Other factors may include unemployment, long working hours, lots of changes occurring in a person’s life, etc.

Source: healthline.com
Unhealthy coping mechanisms
Some people manage anxiety in a healthy way by adopting positive strategies while some go towards unhealthy activities to cope with it. Negative coping mechanisms may include gambling, drugs, alcohol, and reckless behavior. Managing anxiety is hard but the way of managing it can leave a lasting impact on a person’s life. All these negative ways may only make the situation worse.
It all depends on your natural coping ability to deal with anxiety. There are various techniques and strategies which may help you in this regard.

Source: oregonenduro.com
1. Exercise
Exercise is the best way to deal with anxiety attacks. A good workout session improves your mood swings and increases endorphin production (hormones to relieve stress and pain). Increased physical activity may improve hormone balance. It is the healthiest anxiety management technique.
2. Medications
When you think that no anxiety management technique is working out for you, you may consult with a psychiatrist. He can prescribe you anti-anxiety medicines to help ease out the nerves. Anti-anxiety medicines can be easily purchased online from any good pharmacy like 90daymeds.com which sells medicines at discounted prices.

Source: cancunareatravel.com
3. Healthy eating habits
A good diet may contribute a lot to managing your anxiety levels. You can incorporate healthy meal options in your diet like vegetables, fruits, salads, beans, and juices. Try to avoid alcohol and caffeine as much as you can as these options may lead to severe side effects.
Also, stop eating junk and fast food during stressful situations. It can have negative effects and prevents you from staying healthy. Maintain a healthy diet that will boost your immune system and release hormones to lower your anxiety.
4. Memory creation
A good way to distract your mind from stressful situations is to create good memories. You can either go on a short holiday trip with your family or try out new cuisines. Anything which makes you feel better may prove to be good for your mental health.
Going on a short vacation can help you to get past your negative thoughts and ensure positive vibes throughout your trip. Enjoy your trip with a positive attitude and once your trip is over you will feel energetic again. Having a good time with your friends and creating memories will calm your mind and help you to deal with problems more efficiently.

Source: theconversation.com
5. Sleep
Insufficient sleep cycles may lead to anxiety attacks in stressful situations. If you are unable to stay asleep or not sleeping enough in a day then it is because of insomnia. Lack of sleep can prevent you from dealing with anxiety. Moreover, it can increase anxiety and might cause severe headaches.
Try to change your schedule and dedicate more time to sleep for longer hours. A proper sleep cycle can be effective in coping with stressful situations. Keep your room dark and stop using smartphones or laptops one hour before sleeping. Ensure that you are sleeping at least 7-8 hours every day.
7. Meditation and Yoga
A highly effective solution to cope in times of stressful situations is by doing meditation and Yoga. It allows you to calm your mind and brings inner peace. Breathing exercises are a great technique to reduce your stress and anxiety levels. An effective technique to perform breathing exercise is by taking long and deep breaths.
It helps you to get past any negative thoughts, boost your confidence and allows you to concentrate on positive thoughts. Dedicate 15-30 minutes every day for mediation and Yoga. After a few weeks, you will notice the positive changes in your life and control over your mind and thoughts.

Source: sleepfoundation.org
8. Socialize with people
Keeping yourself away from people is one of the major causes of anxiety attacks. Sharing your daily problems with someone can help you to feel better and more relaxed. Socialize with your friends and family regularly. This can lower your anxiety levels and you can get valuable insights on dealing with stressful situations.
Hang out with your friends and family on weekends or whenever you feel comfortable. It will allow you to deal with negative thoughts and fill your mind with positive vibes. You can even have talk therapy sessions with a therapist to get faster results.
There are many gadgets that can help you, and very interesting are spinning enamel fidget anxiety ring from StoryJewellery.
The Bottom-line
Dealing with anxiety in stressful situations can be really difficult. It can cause various reasons and can disrupt your daily lifestyle. A little stress is beneficial to perform better in life but unexpected problems in life can lead to excessive mental pressure.
It is crucial to know the reason that’s causing mental pressure and anxiety. Don’t run from your problems, face them and find a solution to deal with them. Follow this guide to manage your anxiety and deal with your problems with a calm and peaceful mind.