Despite her plans and hopes, Meghan Markle didn’t get to have a home birth. Instead, she had her baby in a hospital. Considering her age, it was the only right choice.
All first-time mothers older than 35 are considered high-risk pregnancies, according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and Meghan, age 37, is in that group. Her age was one of the factors that made experts skeptical about her plans for home birth. Once Meghan became overdue, it was decided that the hospital was the best solution.

Source: E! News
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) says in its guidelines that home birth can be appropriate, even beneficial, for low-risk pregnancies. If mother’s age is the only risk factor, they allow even high-risk pregnancies to be delivered at home. Meghan, however, decided not to chance it and opted to give birth in a hospital.