Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch who is the longest on the throne of the United Kingdom. However, despite the fact that she is 93 years old, Her Majesty does not think about abdication in order to leave the reign to her son, Prince Charles.
Queen Elizabeth is the ruler of Great Britain for more than six decades and she is a record holder when it comes to these numbers, so, it is logical that she would want to retire after many years of work. However, Queen publicly said she would not give up the throne until her last moments of life. We all know that her descendants are quite able to assume this great duty, but she does not want to retire but wants to continue to be the supreme leader of the kingdom. And we must admit, that’s incredible.
How long does the reign of Her Royal Highness last?
As we have said, Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch who has the longest sitting on the throne of the United Kingdom. Her impressive reign began 67 years ago, in the year of 1952. After her father, King George VI took over the reign in 1936, it became clear that he would be inherited by his eldest daughter, Elizabeth, who was then only 10 years old. After the reign of King George VI, which ended 6 February 1952, when he passed away, Elizabeth II took over the throne.
When she got the throne of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth was 26 years old. Then she officially replaced the title of the princess for the Queen title. Since then, Her Majesty has gained great respect from citizens, not only in the United Kingdom but also throughout the world.
The secret of her decades-old rule lies in the fact that the Queen has a great shape but also perfectly organized every day that helps her to be very active, even at the age of 93. Her Majesty will celebrate the incredible Platinum Jubilee for 3 years, which means 70 years of rule.
What is the protocol after the death of the beloved Queen?

Source: W Magazine
Although the queen is in excellent physical condition, all fans must have in mind that she is 93 years old, which means that it is necessary to think about the procedure after she passes. For this purpose, the UK government has created a special protocol called Operation London Bridge.
So, when Her Highness die, which we hope will not happen for many years, eminent secrets are being sent to prominent officials, which will mean that all TV and radio channels will have to adapt the content they broadcast to that sad moment that is significant for the whole nation. After that, all necessary preparations are made, followed by a public funeral. According to all the experts who deal with the royal family, Queen Elizabeth’s funeral will attract a large number of admirers around the world and this will probably be the most visited event.
The reasons why her Royal Highness will not abdicate in favor of Prince Charles

Source: The Independent
Prince Charles probably never thought he would have the first opportunity to take over the royal throne in the later years of his life. The Prince of Wales is 70 years old, and the Queen does not want to give up the throne as long as she lives. There is a simple reason for such a decision. Namely, when crowning at Westminster Abbey, Elizabeth II said in her oath that she will be a monarch “all the days of her life.” So, in the event that she abdicated and Prince Charles became the new king, it would mean she broke the oath.
Tina Brown, who is the author of “The Diana Chronicles”, said in her statement to CBS:
“She will not step down because she does not believe this is about an office, she thinks it’s about an incarnation. She’s not running for office. The Queen will die in her bed as the Queen.”
Also, there is another solution, which is a document called the Regency Act. This would allow Prince Charles to become Prince Regent. Also, he would take on this title along with the responsibilities of his mother, while she would remain the ruler. However, it has never been confirmed that this act was considered at all. In any case, one thing is certain, which is the Queen will continue her long reign, and we wish her to be the supreme monarch for many years.
Source: cheatsheet.com