Having a backyard comes with so much work to do when it comes to maintenance. You have a lawn you need to cut, rake, and you get all the ideas on how to make the best of having a yard. You want to plant flowers, maybe even grow a garden, construct a place where you can socialize with friends over a good barbeque, and so on. Storage space is of great importance since many house owners tend to pile up things they no longer need.
It is difficult for anyone who has a yard or garden to resist purchasing a garden shed. This fact is not surprising at all because the garden sheds come with tons of useful functions. Here are a couple of them:
- Garden tool storage – The primary role of a garden shed is to store tools. That is why, in addition to the garden, they are also popular in orchards and vineyards. Wooden, metal, or tin sheds are ideal for storing shovels, hoes, rakes, work shoes, and clothes, but also devices such as lawnmowers, motorcycles, and the like. Customize the interior of the shed according to your needs. Get shelves, cabinets, hangers, or something similar to store garden tools and equipment. That way you will always know where you are and you will not waste time looking for things.
- Storage of construction materials – Whether you are preparing to build a house or a cottage, a shed will come more than useful to you. You can easily store construction materials in it, which will not be scattered on the ground or exposed to the weather.
- A place to rest and socialize – Garden sheds can be used all year round, and during the warmer months, it is a shame not to use them as a place to relax or socialize. They are ideal for family gatherings, playing with children, drinking coffee with friends, picnics, and barbecues. If purchased, for this reason, they are often made with a terrace, which makes staying in nature even more pleasant.

Source: smgardensheds.com
Now that you are aware of their multipurposeness, it’s time to consider the material. At one point we’ve mentioned how they come made of wood, tin, or metal (which you can explore further if you click here), we will not go into details of each material, but we will concentrate on stating all the pros and cons of metal sheds.
Let’s start with the pros
1. A quality material
Metal is no doubt a quality material. If you choose it for your shed, it is more likely to withstand all weather conditions and thus have a long lifespan.
You will be most sure of the longevity of the shed if you install it professionally, if you make additional insulation of walls, floor, and roof, put insulating glass on the windows, make the frame of metal profiles, as well. You’ll notice how metal is being used for different constructions more and more. Keep in mind that it’s for a good reason.
2. Simple maintenance
As any other material, especially wood, will require tons of work when it comes to maintenance – sanding, repainting, protecting the material from pests, metal will require very little work from you. It comes already painted and ready, it is entirely pest-resistant, and if for any reason you stop being satisfied with its color, you can repaint it very quickly, according to your wishes.
3. Simple assembling
The material itself is not that difficult for assembling, leaving you with a decision to do it yourself, or with the help of a professional. They can also come already assembled, ready to be placed in your backyard.
4. Weather resistance

Source: biohort.com
As we are all witnessing temperatures changing from one extreme to another, having a material that can withstand all the fluctuations is important. Metal is a perfect choice, for this matter.
5. Moving is easy
Since the whole structure is simple, moving also comes easy. If you wish to make changes in your yard, simply move it where you like.
And now, the cons…
1. Difficult for modifying
The biggest con is definitely the modification possibility. Metal simply gives very little or no possibilities for modification. As opposed to wood, when you need to modify metal, you’ll need to be armed with some serious tools.
2. The rust risk
Longevity can’t be beaten by any other material, but just as wood has pests, metal is always exposed to the risk of corrosion or rust if not cared for properly. It can eat it quite badly, leaving holes around your shed structure.
3. Poor gauge
Here is one con owners face mostly because they get drawn to the low prices of certain metal sheds. If not experienced enough with this material, buyers often do not pay attention to gauge, leaving them with a very thin and fragile structure. One tip for avoiding this is to aim for those who are heavier because it means the gauge is not poor.
5. Appearance

Source: u-buy.com.tw
Wooden ones look warmer and fit in the natural environment better, which is the reason why construction companies have developed a possibility to place different materials around them as the coating.
Apart from all the pros and cons listed so far, it’s important to mention how sheds can have different roles. For example, some of these practical facilities can be turned into a sauna, which complements a poolside perfectly. The choice of purpose depends solely on you and your household, so make what you need out of it.
There is a large selection of garden sheds on the market, you can buy ready-made or order custom-made. They have become affordable, and can also be found at discounts, mostly during the fall and winter months.
By buying a shed, you will make your work in the garden easier and you will have a place to take a break from work at any time. This will make your stay in the garden more pleasant – personal satisfaction is the most important thing.