In case you missed it, last week’s episode of “The Mindy Project” was all about butt sex. Mindy’s onscreen boyfriend Danny (Chris Messina) wanted to try anal for the first time, attempting the act and claiming “I slipped.” The rest of the episode was dedicated to Mindy trying to determine if his “slip” was intentional, and how to deal with it. While speaking about her show at The New Yorker Festival, Mindy was asked a question about consent by one self proclaimed “hard-core” fan: “Were you at all surprised by any of the negative reactions that you got from some of your biggest supporters, and what was your response to that?”

I would say this: I think I disagree with you. And I think that Danny is a wonderful character, a wish-fulfillment character, and he loves Mindy, and they have a relationship that is very understanding with each other, and he tried something because he was trying to see what he could get away with. But I don’t think that in that relationship that Mindy’s reaction to it was ‘I feel violated’; it was ‘Hey man, run that by me!’ I think that, we have to, in knowing what their relationship is and knowing that the way it was portrayed, it wasn’t something that made her feel unsafe or degraded … you can love someone and be in a relationship with them when you’re both consenting adults, and people can try things and you can be like … ‘I busted you on that.’
It was not an issue of sexual unsafety. I understand people felt that way, and I disagree … In a larger sense, we have this card — this red card — of stirring fear in men about certain things. I was sad about that because I thought, ‘Is that a situation where we want to use that card for that?’ It bummed me out a little bit. There was no sexual peril in there; it was not a situation where she felt unsafe or was objectified. She just was startled … I was sad about that.
What did you think of the episode, the response and Mindy’s explanation? [Vulture]
Original by: Katie Oldenburg