It isn’t unusual to sell your old phone and upgrade to a newer model. But it’s safe to say that you have to do a couple of things before you actually sell the phone.
Your old phone is full of important data that should not go into other people’s hands. Especially if the person that wants to buy it isn’t close to you or is a complete stranger.
And that’s why you’re here. You’re probably interested in knowing more about the steps to take to avoid making a costly mistake when selling your old phone.
From sensitive images to bank accounts and credit card information, we’re here to tell you about the 4 common mistakes people make when selling their oil phones. And we’re also going to provide a solution as to how to prevent these mistakes.
1. Failing To Prepare It

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So you’ve probably already upgraded to the latest Galaxy and you know need to sell the old one. You’ve listed it on Craigslist and a couple of people have already called.
You might have struck a deal with one of the callers and they’re on their way to pick it up. But ask yourself this; is your phone ready to be sold?
Like we mentioned earlier, there might be tons of sensitive information that you don’t want other people to get their hands to. That’s why it’s always recommended to perform a master reset that will wipe out the phone completely.
This deletes all the information that the previous version had on it and will be ready for the new user to take control. This deletes images, passwords, accounts, apps, everything.
2. Inviting Delays

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The easiest way to turn this experience into a bad one is to invite delays that would result in you failing to sell your old phone. And doing this isn’t a hard task anyway.
The easiest way to fail to find a buyer is to provide false details. Since people will want to see it before they buy it, if you provide false details relating to your phone then the buyer will feel cheated.
This sort of creates a domino effect that can spiral uncontrollably. In the ideal world, you’d want to provide all the information the buyer needs so they can make a sound judgment.
If the screen is cracked, then explicitly say it. If there is anything wrong with the phone, mention it in the description. You’d also want to mention how long you’ve had it and whether you’re the first user.
But there is an easier way to go about this issue. If you truly want to sell your old phone as fast as possible, then you can go to the right people for it. Namely, there are services out there that will buy your old phone no matter how damaged or in excellent condition it is.
All you need to do is simply provide a detailed analysis of the phone by filling out a form. The services will then give you an estimate as to how much they’re willing to pay for it and you can agree or disagree on the estimate.
For more information on where you can sell your old phone without any delays, make sure to visit
3. Improperly Evaluating It

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Much can be said about the price of a used product. But it’s safe to say that used goods cannot be resold for the same price as what you originally paid for.
There are two mistakes to avoid here. The first is to price it too high, while the second is to price it too low.
If you do the first mistake, then chances are no one will call or get in contact with you. If you price it too low, then it’s safe to say people will call you left, right, and center just to get it over the line. Failing to price your old phone the right way isn’t something that you’d want.
In the ideal world, you want to price the product exactly the right way so you get what’s worth to you.
But the real issue here is how to know what price to staple on it. There are a few ways to know about it. First off, you could search the same model and see what other people sell it for. If there are any parts broken such as the glass or touch screen, then you might need to take off a few hundred bucks.
But searching the same model is a good starting point.
4. Not Backing Up

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There is a reason why backups exist. Backing up your phone is seen by many people as a chore of some sort. However, it can be the difference between losing all of your data and having last year’s family trip to the Rocky Mountains.
Backing up enables you to save data and back it up whenever you need to. You can backup your data before doing a master reset and have the backup sent to your email or on your iCloud.
There are tons of ways to do this but it can really depend on the type of phone. Every manufacturer has its own way of backing up. Apple has iCloud while Samsung has Smart Switch. But there are all sorts of ways to backup your phone using any number of services.
The choice is really up to you but it is your responsibility to do that. Who knows, maybe you won’t end up selling your old phone. If that’s the case, then how would you get your old data back?
These are some of the mistakes people do when selling old tech, especially phones.
While many more mistakes exist, you can at least try and prevent some of these from happening. Make sure to do the right thing and avoid making these mistakes as the result could be a costly one. Ultimately, you can use the World Wide Web for any help whenever the time to avoid these mistakes comes. If you don’t know how to perform a backup, then there are all sorts of helpful articles out there.