There are different statistics about the divorce rate around the world, and in some countries, this rate is as low as 4 percent, while in other places, including the United States, it is said that half of the people who get married will file for legal separation. The rate has increased in the past few decades, but experts don’t see this as something bad, and on the contrary, it is said that people now value their freedom, happiness, and mental health, and they don’t choose to stay with someone they are unhappy with. There are many reasons why people choose to go through the legal separation process, and the number one reason is infidelity or lack of commitment. Other reasons may include inequality, misunderstanding, and in some cases, domestic violence. If you want to get divorced, you probably already know that this is a difficult and long process, especially if you don’t have a prenup and if you need to divide assets. It is said that the divorce attorney will make the biggest difference when it comes to the things that you are going to end up with, and that they will largely affect the final outcome.
We created this article to give you some tips on how to choose the right legal advisor for you, and we will tell you more about the reasons why you should never hire a cheap divorce lawyer. Continue reading if you want to find out how to protect yourself, your assets, how to win the legal separation, and even how to choose the right attorney for your case.
1. You get what you paid for

The rule of thumb is that you get what you paid for. When it comes to some meaningless services and purchases, you can get away with finding the cheapest service and going with it, but when it comes to one of the biggest decisions in your life, you should never settle for a bargain.
This decision will affect your future, and you should not try to cut costs. The cheapest lawyers, in most cases, are extremely inexperienced, they just finished law school, they just got their degree, or even worse, their win rate is so low that they have to find other ways to attract clients.
This does not mean that you should go with the most expensive legal advisor unless you have the budget for it. However, you should not “sort by the lowest price” when it comes to choosing the right person who is going to represent you.
2. Why is their rate so low?

Now let’s talk about the reasons why some legal representatives ask for less money than the others. Well, everyone values their effort and knowledge, and it is said that you don’t pay just for the service you are getting, you are also paying for the knowledge and the experience of the legal advisor.
People who are just getting started don’t have the needed knowledge, and they may have had only a few clients before you. Note that not every attorney specializes in divorces, and even though they may be extremely successful when it comes to other types of cases, they may know nothing about legal separations.
In addition to this, they may have had a lot of cases before yours, but since their rate is one of the cheapest on the market, chances are, they are bad. You don’t want to get represented by someone who is most likely going to lose.
According to Marty Beth Harrell Law Firm, you need to find a representative who can answer all of your questions, who will be there for you every step of the way, and who has a deep understanding of the whole process. This is not going to be a fast, nor an easy thing to do, and you need someone in your corner that you can trust with every decision.
3. The experience will make the biggest difference

When it comes to the knowledge and the experience of the legal advisor, that will make the biggest difference in your overall case. In some cases, it is better if you settle, and if you don’t try to push for everything. While in others, you will have the room to go in front of a judge, and get as much from you, soon to be ex, spouse as you can.
The right attorney, with the needed knowledge, experience, and understanding of the process, will give you the right advice. They will help you figure out what you can get out of the legal separation, what you can push for, and which things are almost impossible to get. Note that in some cases it is far better to settle as soon as possible, but this thing mostly depends on your specific situation and the overall case.
It is said that legal advisors who don’t have the needed knowledge and experience are more likely to pressure you for one thing or the other without caring for you and the outcome. There are some legal advisors who have never presented a case in front of a judge, and they may be interested to try it out, no matter the outcome. On the other hand, there are people who are afraid to do that, and they will try to pressure you into settling, no matter your best interest.

You need to find a person who will think about you, and what you want to and can get. You don’t want to end up with someone who is going to be afraid to push things when they have to be pushed. You also need to find a person who knows what you can get, and what you should steer away from. Note that you should not be just another experience for a mediocre attorney, you need to be a priority during the course of the process.
When choosing the right legal advisor for you, you should always take the time to consult with them before hiring them. Talk about their previous cases, their win rates, and their settlement rates. See if they ever had a case similar to yours and what happened with it. Take your time, be patient, and know that your attorney should be there for you every step of the way.