Our hair looks like a crown that shields our scalp. It is an essential topmost layer of our head. Hair loss is a complicated problem that everyone ignores in the beginning. It is better to cure the issue before it becomes severe. Many popular products like Nioxin produces a variety of hair care products. In this write-up, we will compare Nioxin System 1 vs. 2.
In this article you can read:
2.2. Which One to Use?
Nioxin products stop hair loss, but also repair and regrow new hair. Both men and women suffer from this problem and need an effective solution to get rid of this issue. Different systems of Nioxin treat all stages of hair loss.
In the following article, we will compare two systems of Nioxin, i.e., 1 and 2. Certain factors need to be considered for differentiating the features and capabilities of the products. Let us start knowing these two Systems.
About Nixoin

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Nioxin is a reputed hair care brand to treat hair loss. It improves the health of the scalp and makes it healthier and grows thick hair. There are six systems which consist of Nioxin products. It can treat every hair loss stage.
Here, we are focusing on System 1 and System 2. The products include a shampoo, conditioner, and hair rejuvenating serum. We are considering only the shampoo, which is highly effective for hair loss.
About Nioxin System 1
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System 1 is a hair thickening treatment for natural hair. It helps in reducing hair loss and promotes healthy and dense hair growth. It refreshes the scalp and makes your hair shiny and strong. Check out the key features and benefits of System 1.
Key Features:
- It is a professional hair thickening product that works great on natural hair.
- The shampoo cleanses the scalp and opens blocked pores to promote hair growth.
- It removes clogging sebum, residues, and fatty acids from the scalp and hair.
- The product can treat light hair thinning issues.
- There is an increase in the fullness of the hair strand.
- The hair volume also increased due to a refreshed scalp.
About Nioxin System 2
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System 2 is one-point ahead than System 1. It helps in providing thick, healthy, and dense hair by protecting your scalp and hair from damage. It opens up clogged pores to treat the affected scalp. Let us read out some of the exciting features and benefits of the product.
Key Features:
- It is also a professional hair loss treatment for natural hair.
- The product treats the second stage of hair loss, i.e., progressed thinning.
- The scalp is protected and prevented from damage to provide a denser hair look.
- The shampoo removes the sebum deposit from the follicles to control the moisture balance.
- It helps in providing hair resilience and refreshed scalp.
Buying Guide
Let us consider some of the critical factors that you must consider while buying Nioxin System 1 vs. 2 shampoos.
- Hair Type: Nioxin products are different according to several hair types. Your hair can be natural, dry, oily, or chemically treated. Both Systems 1 and 2 work effectively on natural hair.
- Stage of Hair Loss: Every person suffers from hair loss problems differently, and there is no single solution for all of them. Nioxin products are well-classified according to the hair loss condition. It may vary from light thinning to severe hair loss. If we talk about System 1, then it treats light thinning or the first stage of hair loss. On the other hand, System 2 treats progressed hair loss conditions effectively.
- Ingredients: It is an essential factor to consider. Check the list of ingredients that are used to manufacture the shampoo. The product must have the right ingredients that do not affect your scalp and hair adversely. You cannot afford to ruin the hair loss problem by not checking out the ingredients.
- Procedure: There are particular techniques to apply the product on the scalp and hair. It is essential to use the product as prescribed. Overuse or incorrect application can worsen the hair loss problem. You can recommend using the products after getting a prescription from your dermatologists. Both Nioxin Systems are clinically tested as well as highly recommended.
- Check the Label: It is always great to check the label of the product before buying it. It includes a list of ingredients, quantity, date of manufacturing, and other relevant information. The bottle of System 1 shampoo comes with 16.9 oz quantity and System 2 with 10.1 oz.
- Availability: Nioxin products are available on third-party sites like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. It is easy to purchase them from the online portal of Nioxin. You can also collect the product from genuine retailers and distributors.
- Technology: Try to understand the product and determine the way it affects your scalp and hair effectively. Shampoos of both Nioxin Systems are made up of Activ-Renewal technology. It helps in removing the clogged sebum from hair follicles along with fatty acids and other environmental residues. It enhances the growth of healthy and thick hair.
- UV Protection: Hair loss can be caused by damage from UV rays. It is advisable to cover your head while going outside in the sunshine. Nioxin System 1 does not provide UV protection. Whereas, System 2 acts as a sunscreen to scalp and hair. Hence, it protects from UV damage.
Difference Between Nioxin System 1 vs. 2
A buying guide helps a lot in determining the difference between these two products. System 1 is a hair loss treatment shampoo for natural hair. It treats normal to light thinning hair without providing UV protection. The shampoo removes sebum deposits and residues from hair follicles. It cleanses and refreshes the scalp to promote healthy, thick, and dense hair growth.
On the other hand, System 2 also works for natural hair. It protects your hair from UV rays and prevents damage. The significant difference is that it can cure a progressed hair loss stage. The shampoo is competent enough to cleanse the scalp and remove bad particles from your scalp and hair.
After comparing certain factors, it becomes easy to determine which product is best for different stages of hair loss. If you are suffering from the same situation, then determine the health of your hair and buy the relevant one accordingly.
Which One to Use?
After comparing Nioxin System 1 vs. 2, we have found that both systems work for natural hair. But if you have to choose one, then check your hair condition. If you have natural hair, but you are experiencing light hair thinning, then it is best to purchase System 1.
On the other hand, if you are experiencing the heavy hair fall from prolonged time, then you must buy System 2. Both shampoos work effectively according to the different stages of the hair loss problem. Make sure that you buy an exact product that your hair needs.
Final Thoughts
Nioxin is a reputed brand that manufactures hair care products to treat hair loss at any stage. As we have compared Nioxin System 1 vs. 2, it is found that both products are effective enough to stop hair fall. Both shampoos work on natural hair, but differently in the case of the hair loss stage.
System 1 is to stop light hair thinning, and System 2 is to prevent progressed hair loss. The purpose of the products is to cleanse the scalp and remove residue from hair follicles. But, ingredients to make the shampoos in different systems are slightly different. Therefore, every System is effective according to the different hair loss condition.
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