Dealing with chronic pain can be uncomfortable, unpleasant, but is quite common among both men and women, as well as mature people. You can switch between both oral and topical therapies when it comes to any type of chronic pain and you can control it, cure it, or keep it at its minimal point with the right drugs, and with the right approach. Luckily, a pain specialist can help you relieve most symptoms, as long as you’re willing to make that first step, and let them do their magic! Here are some key facts that you should know.
How can a Pain Specialist help relieve your Chronic Pain: Top 6 Common Ways

Source: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
1. They can put you on non-steroidal or anti-inflammatory drugs
There are loads of different anti-inflammatory medications, but the most popular kind is ibuprofen. It can be great for acute muscular or bone pain. However, it is important to use it in a moderate amount, since over-use can make an impact on your kidneys or clotting of blood. However, you shouldn’t take these on your own, and you should rather ask a professional for their help, as well as their preferred way of using this medication. Doctors or pain specialists can prescribe loads of different drugs or medication without being worried that you’re going to get addicted. It is all about the right dosage at the end of the day.
2. There are antidepressants
These help you control your pain levels and are quite commonly prescribed by physicians and therapists. You will need to take them and include them in your everyday routine, and remember that they are not a ”one time” type of thing. Luckily for you, you can get an opinion and all the needed help at who are chronic pain specialists in Sydney. They have a team of experts doctors that are trained to do interventional treatments, such as nerve blocks, PRP injections, radio frequencies, and they can prescribe you the right kind of medication! They are experts for neuropathic pain, especially for lower back conditions, so you should give them a go!

Source: Injured Call Today
3. Muscle relaxation with anti-seizure medication
If you are experiencing burning pain, these medications will suit you, but they are taken every day. If you’re feeling any type of muscle spasm, this will also help you. Specialists also often prescribe opioids for people who have a lot of nerve pain. There is also the epidural steroid injection which is injected into your neck or back, depending on the pain or inflammation that you’re feeling. In some cases, they are done under x-ray guidance. Although it is not the most comfortable feeling in the world, it does help with severe pain, especially around your back, leg, and arm. Some patients may experience feeling sore, but the feeling in itself will go away in 4-8 hours. In case it doesn’t talk to your doctor or your specialist for future steps and your next move.
4. Facet joint injection
Injections into these joints will help with back pain but are done under x-rays. The procedure is done while you’re laying on your stomach (in case you’re feeling back pain), but you will lay on your back if you’re struggling with neck pain. Thanks to its innovative contrast dye, the injection will end up right next to your inflamed nerves or joints, and you will feel instant pain-relief just from one shot, and from one needle only! Your doctor, physician, or therapist will give you the needed dose and will help with long-lasting effects.

Source: AdobeStock
5. Lumbar sympathetic block
If your leg is in pain (heavy pain), you might be experiencing complex regional pain syndrome type I. This is why you will need the right injection placed right into your lumbar chain. You will feel a bit of heat in your leg once the needle is in. People can also feel numb for up to 8 hours after this treatment, which is a common side-effect.
There is also the celiac plexus block, which helps with abdominal pain, and is performed under x-ray guidance.
Stellate ganglion block will help with the pain syndrome of the arm or hand. Every type of block will help with long-lasting effects, but it is important to aim for the right dosage.
6. Spinal cord stimulation implants
Spinal cord stimulation means using low-level signals over the spinal cord or your nerve endings. Once done, these will prevent the pain from reaching your brain. If you have some limb pain, you will love this treatment! Surgical treatment is performed where an implant is placed into the body. The paint can turn on or off with the help of a button. It is one of the longer treatments which is time-consuming, but it is used for heavy pain, uncomfortable and annoying inflammations, as well as any part of your body!

Source: The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics
Are there some other treatments that are safe to do for pain relief?
Feel like getting instant results, as well as trying out something at the comfort of your home? Well, if you need something that you can do immediately and that can help you for a couple of hours, try out some of the following tips and tricks:
- Meditation
- Breathing exercises
- Biofeedback
- Music
- Art or painting
- Reiki
- Aromatherapy
- Hypnosis
- A massage
Ready to fully relax and stop feeling pain?
So, are you ready to relax your muscles, joints, and say bye-bye to the pain, once and for all? Making that first big step is the hardest part of every journey, as you probably know it. However and luckily for you, you don’t have to be afraid, as long as you book the right clinic, an amazing esthetician/doctor, and follow their advice! Clinics can guide you through every step and will help you feel as good as new after only a couple of sessions. Remember that every treatment and every therapy is catered to you and your pain, as well as targeted concern. Sooner than later, you will feel like a reborn person!