Even though emotions play a significant role, students have to find the balance between emotion and writing rules. The approach you take with your essay also depends on the topic you’re addressing. There are instances where you need to keep your opinion out of an essay. Always read the instructions of an assignment carefully to know how to express emotions in your essay.
Since most of these pieces are about our day to day lives, you’ve got to incorporate emotion to make it relatable. The ability to vividly express emotions in an essay is a skill every college student needs to acquire. The pictorial description is especially essential in creative writing. This is because this kind of writing is supposed to draw a ready into another universe.
The emotional expression also helps you improve your interpersonal communication. As you know, proper communication is essential even after you graduate. You can easily miss a job opportunity simply because you are not articulate.
Use your college years to learn how to articulate your thoughts because people cannot look at you and decipher your thoughts without you speaking them out. As you work on this skill, don’t forget to turn to MyPaperDone.com each time you need writing help.

Source: verywellmind
Use your Approach to Guide your Tone
There are tons of writing that do not allow you to write based on passion. You might be passionate about a topic but it requires you to discuss contrary to the beliefs you hold. Trying to introduce your beliefs in such an essay messes it up.
As a student, you need to learn how to write based on the assignment’s instructions. If, however, it requires you to take on a personal approach, there are a couple of rules you’re allowed to break in the process.
As you go through college, you realize that writing is quite fluid. You won’t always be required to take a formal approach with essays.
Follow Essay Instructions
If the essay instructions specify that you should use a personal experience to guide your discussion, then, by all means, do just that. Learn how to follow all the instructions the professor gave. You cannot ignore one instruction and expect to get all the marks.
This only means that you should really take your time before beginning an essay. In case you don’t understand the instructions, ask the professor to make clarifications. This is because a simple misunderstanding can lead you down the wrong path.

Source: oxbridgeessays
Read Widely
Emotional expression is not something you learn overnight. Since no one is born knowing how to depict emotion in writing fully, you need to read widely to encounter it. The more you read creative writings, the better you get at expressing yourself through writing.
Once you understand the fluidity of essay writing, you understand how passion and rules can co-exist harmoniously in an essay.
Learn how to Strike the Perfect Balance
Most of the time, an essay requires you to strike the perfect balance between following writing rules and writing with passion. You can only achieve the perfect balance through practice. Make a habit of writing at least one essay each day, and you’ll be surprised at the outcome.
You need to understand that skills and techniques don’t come easy. You have to work at it because even with passion, you’ve got to know how to articulate. As they say, talent without hard work doesn’t take you very far.

Source: studybreaks
There you have it; there is no definite way of expressing emotions in an essay. Just make sure you follow instructions, and you consider the approach you want to take with the discussion.