Photographing inexperienced models can be a very difficult thing to deal with. Breaking the ice is something we always recommend when it comes to working with newbies in your industry.
The majority of photographers that work with models agreed to these 6 tips for getting the most out of inexperienced subjects. In this article, we are going to help you do just that so don’t go anywhere as we’ll begin right now.
1. Choosing Your Model
For photographers, finding a model can be an even greater challenge regardless of what the gig is. The subject can be your family member or a close friend, or it can be a complete stranger. The important thing is that you feel comfortable with the person you’re supposed to be photographing. But an even more important thing is to make the model feel comfortable around you. Regardless of the job, regardless of the subject, your priority is to make the best possible shot you can.
This is the first challenge you’ll face when working with an experienced model.
2. Choosing The Location
Now that you found your subject, the next thing to do is to find the location where you will be doing the photo shoot. This is equally important as the previous one as you have to make it easier for them to feel comfortable around you.
You have to utilize the location to your advantage to get the most out of the person. By photographing at a well-known location, you will ease the tensions between the person and the camera. While this won’t be an available option every time you meet an inexperienced model, it’s important to remember it as it can really help them get into it.
3. Selecting The Wardrobe
Many famous photographers will agree that some of the best ways to loosen up a rookie is by being casual with them. The wardrobe is a very important aspect of every photo shoot, so asking your model to come in wearing casual clothes can greatly help loosen the tension in the air.
Ask them to be themselves and wear what they feel comfortable in.
4. Communicate All The Way
Communication is very important if you want to establish a working relationship with another person. If this happened to be their first time in front of a camera, then communicating will be your best tool to help ease the tension they’ll feel.
You have to constantly communicate with your model by saying things like “you’re doing great”, “perfect”, “excellent”, and by giving them directions and instructions.
This helps ease the tension in the air and makes your subject feel much more comfortable and confident. A confident model will yield better results and make your job much easier.
Here’s a simple guide as to how we should communicate and how you should give instructions:
- Get your message out there in the least amount of words possible
- Make sure to give very clear and very precise instructions to eliminate the margin for error
- Never touch the model even if you have to make minor adjustments due to their posture. If you do have to do it, always ask first. You don’t want to end up making the subject feel more nervous and more frightened.
If you’re looking for an experienced photographer and artist that can make stunning photos out of any model, then look no further than Youss Foto.
5. Photographing Shy Models
Arguably the biggest problem of having to photograph inexperienced subjects is if the subject is shy. Shy models tend to be significantly less confident, hence why they’re shy.
Confidence is key in this business, and they won’t feel as if they’re in their skin if they lack the confidence. So, arguably, your biggest challenge will be to insert confidence in them.
This is, however, very hard to achieve and it takes everything we’ve talked in this article so far to do it. We discussed easing the tension, communicating with them, even telling them to dress casually for the photoshoot.
But the best way to do it is to actually get to know the model. This can be achieved using all three methods, but you have to uncover what makes them relaxed, what makes them be themselves.
This can be a simple conversation, a drink, listening to music, discussing the industry, and even giving tips and tricks about how to succeed in it.
6. Photographing Confident Models
You could say that photographing a confident subject is significantly easier than a shy one because they’re not afraid to act the part. However, a lot of photographers disagree on this thinking and actually suggest the opposite.
You see, the thing with confident subjects is that they think they know everything related to modeling, photography, acting, you name it. This makes it significantly harder to guide them. Even if they are confident, they still lack the necessary experience.
You might give them tips and tricks and give constructive criticism about how to improve themselves, but there’s a very real chance that they will reject that advice.
The proper way of dealing with confident subjects on the photoshoot is to somehow reach a compromise. If words wont do it then you have to find other methods. You might have to be manipulative, you might have to lie a bit, and you might have to give them the harsh truth sometimes.
But getting through to these subjects is only possible if you assert your authority. Simply pointing out that they won’t get paid if they don’t do the job, works in most cases.
Inexperienced models can be problematic. Well not in the sense of actually causing problems, but making it harder for you to convey your message.
To deal with inexperienced models, you have to acknowledge their shortcomings as beginners in the industry. This might refer to their shyness or lack of confidence, overconfidence, and various other emotional responses.
You have to guide them each step of the way but equally respect their personal space. You don’t do anything without permission and be polite at all times.