Covid-19 has impacted us all in different ways, including pre-school experiences and childcare. With many childcare workers and parents all focusing on ensuring that children don’t miss out on any developmental milestones, it’s been essential to continue to make the most out of pre-school experiences even throughout the pandemic. But how do you do this?
Let’s take a closer look, below.
Online Management Software
Source: Где мои дети
Using Teach Kloud is a streamlined and effective way to ensure that children still benefit from their education throughout Covid-19. The software helps co-workers to communicate with one another virtually, so they can continue to adhere to social distancing measures. It’s also very beneficial for sharing updates and information with parents about their child with the instant messaging feature.
This management software is the perfect way to stay on top of everything despite the chaos of the pandemic, which makes it easier to make the most of pre-school experiences during Covid-19, even at home.
Home Activity Ideas
Source: Popsugar
As opportunities to go outside, especially during the winter months, have been reduced, it’s crucial that children keep their minds busy and continue their development by playing inside.
However, without pre-schools and childcare being open, it can be challenging to ensure that your little one makes the most of the experiences they should be having, whilst you also hold down a job working from home.
Despite this, there are lots of home activity ideas that you can implement into their daily routine that are engaging but will also help with your child’s speech and language development. So many activities do not require expensive equipment or toys, so you can use everyday objects to keep your toddler entertained.
From treasure baskets that are simply a collection of safe, everyday items (do not pose a choking risk) for your little one to explore, to pasta play involving shaking pasta and making pasta necklaces, to water play, which is very popular with toddlers. There are so many different home activity ideas that you can use to entertain your little one, but also ensure that they enhance their development too.
Outdoor Play
Source: Active For Life
If it isn’t raining, it’s beneficial to make the most of the outdoors with your toddler. There are lots of different outdoor activities that you can do to engage their minds and encourage them to explore the outside world.
From merely going on a walk or listening to different birds, to even going on a scavenger hunt to find as many outside items as possible, there are so many ways to get your little one involved!
Outdoor play is also the perfect place to promote pretend play. Whether your little wants to play by themselves, with you, a sibling or even a friend, pretend play has so many developmental benefits for young children and should be encouraged.
Language and Speech Development
Source: Indize Kids
At pre-school, toddlers would continuously be improving their language and speaking skills. Young children rely on the people around them to learn how to communicate. Therefore, to ensure that they don’t miss out on these vital skills and experiences, interact with them. They will learn through playing, watching, listening, and interacting with you, siblings, extended family, and anyone with whom they have regular contact.
So, encourage their language and speech development and ensure that they don’t miss out on these vital building blocks that they need to develop.
Hopefully, this guide will help you to make the most of pre-school experiences during Covid-19 at home, so your little one can continue to develop and grow.
Help Your Child to Match and Sort
Source: Ira Parenting
Coordinating and arranging objects into different classifications is essential expertise for numeracy. Guardians of pre-younger students can help them become acquainted with these ideas through fun loving communication with recognizable articles in their current circumstance.
Going to grade school is a major event in the life of any pre-school youngster. The person will look forward with energy and maybe a little fear to strolling into that homeroom. There will be parts to learn and pre-school planning can make the kid’s first formal instructive encounters glad and effective ones.
Pre-schoolers will be instructed how to notice, separate, sort and match different articles. These aptitudes are basic for learning the circumstances and end results of controlling numbers.
Guardians can set up their kids for these ideas. They can begin with basic things, for example, arranging toys into gatherings. For instance, delicate toys can be chosen from a combination of toys of different surfaces. Wheeled toys can be arranged into vehicles, trucks and carts. Youngsters can likewise be approached to sort toys into gatherings of a similar shading. Books can be arranged a lot as per size.
Clothing day is an incredible occasion to play at arranging and coordinating. Youngsters can be urged to match socks of various shadings or separate dresses from skirts or shorts from tee shirts. They can likewise be urged to isolate garments into heaps of comparable tones.
Source: Zero to Three
Storing shopping is another occasion to show pre-schoolers how to sort and match. They can sort huge parcels from little bundles and huge tins from little tins. Containers of organic product juice can be coordinated utilizing the photos on the bundling. Youngsters can likewise isolate the natural product from the vegetables in the event that they are given clear ones, for example, bananas and grapes and potatoes and onions.
Little youngsters can be approached to help at eating times by laying the table. They can be approached to match blades and forks prior to putting them on the table. They can likewise combine a cup with a saucer for each spot setting. Pre-schoolers can be approached to sort the cutlery after the cleaning up has been done, all set into the cutlery cabinet.
Guardians can put an assortment of things together and ask their pre-school kid to discover one article with more than one quality from among them. For instance, a youngster can be approached to locate the little yellow ball or locate the huge wooden vehicle.
Bathtime can be made significantly more fun if the kid is urged to explore different avenues regarding a small bunch of objects to sort those that skim from those that sink.
These undertakings should be made into games however much as could be expected. Kids learn quicker when they are playing and this will make learning a good time for both parent and youngster.