Unfortunately, the saying “it’s a small world” refers to many different industries, including the adult film industry. It’s not uncommon for college students to decide to try their hand at the industry in order to make ends meet or avoid taking out huge amounts of student loans.
These professors shared their reactions to seeing a familiar face while browsing NSFW websites, and then realizing that the stars were their students… and it’s pretty much exactly as uncomfortable as you would expect.

Credit: Elnur/Shutterstock
Humble Beginnings
My wife is a teacher at a stuffy catholic school. They had a student suspended for performing sexual acts on school grounds who went on to be a major pornstar.
It is not acknowledged by any of the faculty members but all of the students that were there about the time still talk about it. She has not been back to town since she moved to LA to be a pornstar. (MyAnimalsBite)

Credit: dannikonov/Shutterstock
Awkward Encounter
I once was a TA for bio and one night my friend wants me to go to a strip club. we have no idea where to go and this was the days before you had the internet on your phone so we used a phonebook to find a gentlemans club and went. it was the worst strip club ever, I knew that and I had never been to one before. the place was dead and reeked of stale alcohol but being that we’d driven an hour to get there and all the other bars were closed we got a drink and sat down at the main stage. out comes one of the strippers and I am feeling very ripped off because when she takes her top off she’s still wearing pasties over her nipples and is just not a very good stripper (she didn’t even swing around on the pole which I thought was the whole point). my friend calls her over to give me a lap dance and while she is gyrating on my crotch I look at her face and realize that she is one of the students in my freshman biology lab which I have to teach the next day. sufficed to say she noticed who I was too and class was a little awkward but overall we got though it. she told me her tips were paying for her books and we shared a good laugh about how ridiculous it was. (Mycotoxicjoy)

Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Moving On
I was teaching a photograph class at community college and my students knew that I would look over their photos with them to see how it was coming along. One of the students was a stripper and had taken photos of herself nearly naked. Was a bit awkward and I tried to move past them quickly. (formershooter)

Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock
Paying Her Way
I was an adjunct teacher at a small private (non-religious, quite liberal) university a few years ago, classes were small so we got to know the students pretty well. So my mate is getting married and we plan to go to a strip club for his bachelor party, nothing too crazy, it was actually more of joke than anything since we surprised him with it. Third dancer that hits the stages looks familiar and I quickly realized she’s one of my students.
This is one instance where alcohol totally helped me out! Rather than get all uncomfortable, I played it off like it was no big deal (which is wasn’t) when she saw me in the crowd – it wasn’t very paced so I wasn’t hard to miss. She did her set then left the stage.
While hanging with other teachers the following week, I mention this experience (again, liberal school, nobody cared) and to my surprise learned everyone already knew she was a stripper. Apparently, she’d shared this very openly during an interview when asked how she planned to pay for her education.
During the one class she has with me, she came in a little early, walked up to my desk and said, “Nice seeing you Friday night, can’t wait to be finished here so I don’t have to do that shit anymore.”
We chuckled and that was it.
For the curious, she graduated in 2012, built a successful business (keeping private just in case), and is no longer stripping. (tiny_tuner)

Credit: Family TV/Shutterstock
Sharing is Caring
Not a professor but a student: I was taking some upper English classes with a buddy a few years back and there was this one lady who would sit in the front row, huge boobs, skanky outfits, big hair, super flirty with the teacher, and I bet my friend she was a stripper somewhere, she had to be the way she dressed and acted.
A few weeks later he brings a tape to me – it was her in a porno. I just laughed because it was so predictable. (running_uphill)

Credit: Lucky Business/Shutterstock
9 Inch Monster
A friend of mine that I went to high school with found a girl that we went to high school with and were fairly good friends with in one. Didn’t effect our relationship because we lost contact after high school but man did it surprise us. She was not someone we thought would be taking an 9 inch monster on film after high school.
P.S. Catholic High School too…. (thetowncrier)

Credit: vchal/Shutterstock
Not a professor. But the majority of my class voted one girl as “Most Likely To Become Famous,” meaning she’d probably end up in a porno. And the majority of the class was correct. (trenttherascal)
Don’t Ask…
Not a Professor, but a military instructor during the days of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT.) One of my students brought to my attention that another student was doing jack off videos on a gay porn site. No face/voice, but a prominent tattoo that gave him away.
Student A wanted to turn in the fapper for violating DADT until I pointed out that a.) jacking off on video for money does not make one gay; and b.) student A was on a gay porn site looking for fap fodder when he found the video, soooo.
No one was turned in, DADT was repealed shortly after anyway. There were definitely rumors though, and the video star just smiled when asked about them. He’s still doing porn, but he’s not in the military anymore – got booted for drugs a few years later. (leeeroyyyy_jenkinns)

Credit: massimofusaro/Shutterstock
I’ve seen lots of students in porn films, but unfortunately, none of them were my students. (B0000000BS)
Chloe Lynn
There was this gal I went to high school with that ended up doing lesbian porn. I never hung out with her much but would see her at parties from time to time and she seemed like your average party girl. Seemed like a nice enough gal I don’t think it was that big a deal to most people. Everyone was like “oh she’s doing porn now that’s cool.” Her stage name was Chloe Lynn (Buhiakke)

Credit: F8 studio/Shutterstock
Full Time
Not a teacher so this might not count but…
Several years ago I remember eating dinner in the dining hall one evening, and I happen glance over at the steps that lead down into the main dining area. Walking down the steps comes a group of sorority girls, I watch them for a moment when I’m hit with idea that I know one of them from some where. Though i’m sure i’v never spoken to her.
I nudge one of my fraternity brothers and point her out. To which he responds.
“Ohhhhh shit, yeah! I think thats ______. She just started doing porn. She goes by Carter Cruise”
Go home later and google her. And yep that was Carter Cruise. She ended up getting kicked out of her sorority, and left school after that year to take up doing porn full time. (Zerkova)

Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock
Real Name
I use to teach at a community college and I over heard one of my students mention she did modeling. Naturally, I google her name and low and behold she modeled for playboy. Nothing too major just those “college co-ed” spotlights. It didn’t really change my dynamic with her. On the last day of the semester, it was my last day teaching I mention to her “if you’re gonna do playboy I wouldn’t have used your real name”. She just laughed it off. (MechZZ)
Best Night Ever
Not a professor, but kind of a similar situation. My babysitter when I was roughly 6 was the granddaughter of my grandmother’s friend who lived a few houses down. Fast forward 15 years to my 21st birthday. My friends take me to a strip club and get me a little liquored up, I’m enjoying the show and feeling up on strippers having a blast when my buddy sits down with a big grin on his face. He says he paid for me to have a lap dance. I’m like “oh shit!” A gorgeous woman with one of those glittery half masks walks up and starts grinding on me, moving my hands all over her hips and boobs. She even guided my hand down to her v*gina. At this point I’m like “this is the best stripper ever!”. She turns around and takes the mask off and puts it in my face. I looked at her and got kinda separated from the moment and just stared at her. She slowed down and looked at me because she saw the look on my face slowly starting to put the pieces together. I say “heather?” And she stops. The woman I was feeling up was my babysitter from all those years ago. She stopped mid lap dance. And walked away. Best night of my life. (michaelscottforprez)

Credit: Golubovy/Shutterstock
Does This Count?
Some friends that went to a nearby school found a movie about an old classmate getting peed on in a plastic kiddie pool. (Syriom)
Friends in High Places
Not a professor here either, but back when I attended my local community college I met a girl who was pretty cool. Turns out she is still best(ish) friends with a reaaally popular pornstar she went to high school with. It was funny and weird talking about her. (2long4shorts)
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