Not all dentists are created equal. Some are better than others, and it becomes obvious. Whether you have been going to the same dentist for years or have recently begun looking for a new one, some dentists are better than others. Some care more too. Since you should see your dentist often you should like who you are seeing. It’s important to relate to your dentist and find their work productive and pleasant enough.
With so many factors going into making a good dentist, it’s necessary to think a lot about the qualities of a dentist that you are looking for. The line between a good dentist and a bad one is thin. Everyone is different and we all need different things, but when you take the time to find a good long-term dentist you will be a lot better off than if you don’t have a good, friendly dentist. Between location, bedside manner, and overall efficiency, continue reading for five qualities of a good dentist.

1. Close Location
A lot of people hate going to the dentist already. There is a lot of fear and discontent surrounding going to the dentist. When the dentist you are going to is far away, it makes it even more difficult to get to the appointment. You might even schedule the appointment, but that day you feel tired and don’t want to make the trek to the practice.
A close location makes going to the dentist easier. You will make yourself go because it’s easier and closer. Whether you are looking for a dentist in Corona, CA, Eugene, OR, or a bigger city, it makes your bi-yearly cleanup and all the other appointments easier to make. There are no excuses when you have your dentist close to you. One of the best qualities of a good dentist is location, but there are a whole lot more reasons to choose a particular dentist.
2. Good Bedside Manner
One thing that people complain about dentists is their lack of bedside manner. Of course, they aren’t medical doctors, but they should have the same pleasant and comforting behavior as any other medical professional. A dentist with a good bedside manner will change the way you feel about their practice and your experience with it.
Especially if you are afraid of the dentist or getting your teeth worked on, you should be sure to find a dentist that you are comfortable with. It makes the whole experience a lot better. It makes you more comfortable and likely to get the work you need done. But beyond the dentist, themselves, the rest of the staff matters too.

3. Competent & Friendly Staff
Usually, if the dentist is good, their staff will be satisfactory too. If the dentist is friendly, so will their staff. If they are competent, so will their staff. A dental hygienist, the person who cleans your teeth, should be especially friendly. They should be competent too and capable of telling you what you need to do better and what to keep up when it comes to your teeth. When you are choosing a dentist to go to for the future, you should meet the staff and engage with them. If they are happy and productive, it will typically be a better practice. You can see the signs of bad practice. Don’t ignore these signs or you might end up with a dentist that you hate going to.
4. Ability to Fit You Into their Schedule
The best dentists are busy. They are so busy that they might not be able to fit you in. However, it’s important that your dentist works a lot to make sure new patients are welcome. A lot of good dentists are content with their patients and don’t want to take on new ones. This will become an impediment to your ability to get your teeth worked on. You should talk to the administrative staff about their weekly schedule and the ability to fit people into it. Whether you are trying to get a lot of work done or just schedule your cleaning when you need it done, the ability to fit you into the schedule will make a huge difference.

5. Overall Skill Set & Efficiency
Finally, the most basic yet crucial aspect of a good dentist is their overall skill set and efficiency. They should be able to handle all your dentistry needs. Not only should they be able to perform any procedure you need, but they should also be able to do it fast. They should be able to finish the job and get it done quickly. You don’t want to wait to finish your crucial root canal or other dental procedures. You want to be sure that the dentist you are working with is both skilled and efficient. Do a consultation, a cleaning, and see how you feel.
Dentists are the subject of a lot of fear. People are genuinely afraid of getting their teeth worked on. Others just avoid it even though they aren’t afraid. There are some specific qualities every dentist should have. Whether you are worried about going to the dentist or couldn’t care less, you should still make sure that you are working with the best possible dentist and staff.
Dentistry is one of the fields that is very needed but maligned. Going to the dentist is one of the best ways that you can care for yourself. It’s essential self-care. Whether you are going to the dentist for a cleaning, a tooth pull, or a root canal, you want the staff to be as productive, efficient, and friendly as possible. It’s necessary to live your best life. When your teeth are dirty, cracked, yellow, and unhealthy, it will affect your whole life. It will make a huge difference to your overall happiness and well-being–believe it or not. So, next time you are looking for a dentist you should be sure to cover your bases and work hard to find the right dentist.