Cheating is the most disrespectful and hurtful thing you can do to your partner. And even though you are bound to get attracted to other people at different stages in your life, using it as an excuse to escape from the realities of your current relationship is unacceptable. People tend to give in to cheating if they are having serious issues in their current relationship, or their partner is not able to fulfil their expectations, or even due to a momentary lapse of self-control. But you must stay faithful to the person you are with. For the while you are in a relationship, you must find ways to resist temptation.
Here’s how to avoid cheating

1. Think of the consequences
Giving in to temptation is just a momentary fulfillment that can have a long-lasting impact on your relationship. So, always think about what cheating holds for your future. What after you have fulfilled your fantasy? The answer will always be in the negative. The next stage is either your partner finding out about your liaison or this person coming back in your life with more trouble. Think of all the chaos, guilt, embarrassment, hurt, and disrespect it will cause you and your partner. You will lose peace of mind and will not be able to live a peaceful and happy life. Even if you are not happy in a relationship and breaking up feels like the right option, don’t do it in this way.
2. Invest in your relationship
If the urge to cheat results from boredom in your current relationship, then investing more time and effort in it is how you can not cheat. Rekindle the romance and light up the fire again by trying newer things. Plan date nights, go for unplanned trips, be experimental in bed by fulfilling each other’s fantasies. Trying sex toys from one of the finest novelty stores to spice things up, or do other fun couple things to bring back the same old romance, love, and warmth you had in the initial part of your relationship. This revival will naturally kill your instinct to find excitement outside.

3. Try harder to not give in to temptation
The very fact that people end up cheating is reason enough to dismiss this as a solution. But it is one of the best ways to avoid temptation in a relationship. We are our masters, and with our strong willpower, we can own everything in life. No matter how tempting it seems to fulfil the fantasy that has presented itself in front of you, push yourself a little harder to not give into it. If you succeed, you can always tell yourself that no outside force helped you do it. This can also help you to enhance your mental willpower and you will be capable enough to handle every challenge in your life. You managed to avoid temptation all by yourself. This will boost your confidence and make you stronger.
4. Take some time out for yourself
If the thoughts of cheating are getting stronger in your head, take some time off your relationship. Convey it to your partner that you need some time to rethink things. It might sound strange and might even bring a little bit of tension between the two of you, but taking time out to sort your thoughts is how you can avoid cheating. Think about what is it in this relationship that you would want to hold on to or why would you let it go. Weigh out things that are important for you and clear your head. It will be easier to brush off the temptations once you know what the relationship means to you.

5. Talk to a confidante
Talking to a friend or someone you can confide in can be an effective way of resisting temptation. Social pressure and support can act as a big deterrent from erring. Opening up about your feelings to a friend will not only help you get some useful advice, but it will also make you feel responsible for your actions. Once you make your secret feelings open, it will give you yet another reason to not go ahead with it.
6. Ask yourself some tough questions
Consultants and psychologists say that the urge to cheat often springs from the desire to regain control, add some eroticism, and bring some spice in life. Add this to our basic instinct of doing something forbidden, and you have all the right reasons to engage in an affair. But before you give in to it, ask yourself some tough, realistic questions. What will you gain from it? Is it all worth it? Will, it not hurt the person you have been with all this while? Do you want to go through all the embarrassment and unavoidable fights and insults once you cheat? Once you do this, things will automatically fall into perspective.

7. Talk to your partner about it
This might seem to be the most challenging thing to do, but it will help you figure out things going wrong in your relationship. Your partner might also understand that issues need to be resolved and help you get over this phase. Lack of communication can make things go ugly. This kind of honest conversation might even help you strengthen your bond.
Going through a rough patch in a relationship is common, but cheating is never the correct answer. If you still get those feelings, take the help of the above-mentioned ways to avoid temptation in a relationship. Remember, your relationship is worth working hard for and you should take counselling and take positive steps to fix the things which are going bad.