Computer equipment is essential in our daily lives, whether to carry out work, school or just as a tool for entertainment, but acquiring new portable computer equipment is a great investment, so sometimes the best option is going to be to sell your laptop and then buying a used one but with better performance. Buying a second-hand laptop will allow you to acquire equipment in excellent condition at a fraction of their retail price.
To ensure that the laptop you buy is the ideal and meets your needs, you should take into account some specifications, to save many problems or later expenses. Below we will give you some tips so that the process of choosing a laptop is easier and do not overspend.

First, they have to know what they need based on their activities. If it is to do school work, the requirements of RAM and processor capacity are lower, but in work jobs, the requirements may vary and in case of performing activities, such as video or image editing, or to play video games, they are necessary special features. To define this, in a general way you can follow the following guide:
Basic use For activities, such as checking email, Internet browsing, image sharing, basic office tasks, personal finances, among others: you can consider equipment with at least 2 GB of RAM and a processor greater than 1 GHz.
Intermediate use. If tasks were added, such as downloading and managing music, basic creative software (video games), advanced office functions, to name a few; a computer with 4 GB of RAM and a processor higher than 2 GHz is the ideal option.
Advanced use. For editing movies, photos, music, games, web hosting and other advanced features, at least 6 GB of RAM and a 4 GHz processor or better will be able to meet your needs.

Source: MyMemory
A second tip when going to the sale of used laptops is to check the battery life. Most batteries have a useful life of one hundred percent for approximately three years, so in the case of a second-hand laptop it may not have a hundred percent performance, and its disconnected duration is less. In these cases, if the equipment meets your needs, you will have to consider the option of buying a new or additional battery.
Inspect the equipment before acquiring it. In addition to the good functioning of the software, the hardware must also be in good physical condition to ensure its functionality and efficiency when working.
The main elements that must be inspected carefully are:
Frame and the chassis. Examine the corners for signs of shock, as cracks can result in a damaged laptop and other irregularities, such as some deformation, alignment of the cover and even missing parts such as screws, port covers, keys between other.
Screen. The status of the screen is very important, a screen that flickers or has uneven brightness can mean loose connections that can not be repaired or a defective backlight. Also, if there are blocked or dead pixels, which means there are black or white spots on the screen, they will give an affected image.

Source: Gadgetsay
Peripherals The keyboard, the touchpad, and the CD unit are the most used parts and require a check to verify their proper functioning.
RAM. The amount of RAM determines to a large extent the speed of the laptop. When inspecting the computer, check if there are memory slots available. The extra RAMs are easy and inexpensive to acquire to update the speed of the equipment according to your needs if there are available memory slots.
They should also check the connections, from the LAN and Wireless connections for the internet to the USB connections and the video connection, since if they were misused, they could have suffered some damage and need to be replaced.
One more tip is to choose a reputable brand. The laptops of the best brands are usually very expensive if new ones are purchased, but if you go to the sale of used laptops the prices are significantly reduced and you will be guaranteed to acquire a team of the highest quality and efficiency. Although, despite being renowned brands, make sure you do not pay too much, just the right price, since there are many stores that, because they are from a specific brand, increase equipment prices.
The best thing is to go to online stores that guarantee the quality of the equipment, provide a guarantee in their operation and offer the best prices in the market. In addition, they will have quality support, contrary to whether they buy used equipment directly from person to person.

Finally, take into account the software licenses. Many of those licenses cannot be transferred or sold along with the laptop, so they are likely to need to buy their own license to use some specific programs. The only license that is included with the computer equipment is that of the operating system.
Follow these tips when going to a store selling used laptops, so they can choose between the different options that best suits their needs and that allows them to acquire a team that will last for a long time at an affordable price, without extra expenses.