Those among us who have ever watched a dude spread his legs across the length of three seats on public transportation or spent so much as five seconds peeking at Men Taking Up Space On The Train (so, everyone) have spent many an afternoon pondering why it’s so difficult for some guys to sit in just one seat. At last, the internet has found an answer — they’re Saving Room For Cats!
Saving Room For Cats – Airport
Saving Room For Cats – Stock market
Saving room for cats whilst talking loudly to the guy next to him about the stock market. What a treasure this one is. And of course he thought I was just checking out his balls when he caught me looking at him.
Saving Room For Cats – Train
Saving Room For Cats – Train 2
Saving Room For Cats – Boston post
Saving Room For Cats
Cuddled up or stretched out, saving room for all the cats!
Saving Room For Cats
Original by Claire Hannum