About marketing, the mind goes to trends in campaigns and all of the ways to boost business. All market policies should be profit oriented and have a clear idea of the customer demographic they are going to target.
Making a customer profile is important in the core marketing technique and allows for the campaign to be successful. Another core marketing technique is segmentation. In this article we will talk about a segment in a marketing cloud and how it helps boost business. It will positively impact the marketing goals depending on how a team approaches it.
What is Segmentation?

Source: deselect.com
Customer segmentation is related to the profitability of a particular business post a marketing campaign. Directly proteins to whether the customers responded well to the promotional events and advertising. Any marketing team is aware of the fact that all people in a customer demographic respond differently to a campaign.
The variation and responses is normal and really impacts the strategy if overall results are favorable. It also helps in rectifying faulty marketing strategies in order to prevent future problems based on diverse results. Segmentation is usually only considered after their husband and overall negative impact from a particular campaign when it was not expected.
Customer segmentation is simply dividing the total customer demographic into different segments. The segment will be based on individual needs and will be more subjective rather than generalizing the expectation of a group of people. So, if the clients are being divided into segments the market will also be divided into different parts based on customer response.
The segments in the market should be profitable and actionable in order to increase the revenue and growth of the company. Without segmentation a marketing campaign is very limited because it has to cater to a wide variety of people. Customer segmentation allows for better communication and delivery of the right message to a particular group.
Personalization of market messages is essential if the previous campaigns have been failing due to poor strategies. To know more about what the rights segment can do for your business, click here.
What are the Different Types of Customer Segmentation?
There are multiple types of customer segmentation based on different factors. The responses of a group of individuals is dependent on many social and psychological responses that are triggered by a more widespread marketing campaign. Marketing cloud will respond differently to the following segments:
1. Demographic

Source: epthinktank.eu
Customer segmentation largely happens on the basis of the demographic and it is the most effective manner of changing the group on which a campaign focuses on. Demographic categorisation includes differentiation based on nationality, religion and race. There are diverse categories based on gender differences, age and family size. For instance an anti aging cream will be catering to a client demographic of females aged 30 or above.
2. Geographic
The geographical location impacts seasonal purchases to a great extent. What works in one country might not work in another one. Different households make the decisions based on the long term durability of the product depending on the geographical weather conditions.
For instance, one can expect tropical countries to invest more towards air conditioners rather than central heating systems. A colder country, on the other hand, will have no use for air conditioning and the clients will be focused towards heaters.
3. Psychographic

Source: rockcontent.com
Psychographic segmentation directly relates to how a person purses themselves and the world. It is meant to play in the social structure and how they impact consumerist habits. A group of clients will be bifurcated based on general opinions and preferences.
The interests of this group will be largely grouped together and impact their way of thinking. Psychographic groups are targeted based on what they think they need in order to maintain their particular lifestyle. For instance, a group of people who like reading room answers might also opt for a similar genre.
4. Behavioral
The psychographic category is related to how a person perceives a product or service presented in front of them. The behavioral group will be more focused on how the product or service will have real world uses in their life. The behavioral segmentation deals with how the population responds to any advertised product.
Their inclination towards subscribing to a service is what helps in categorizing them in a different group. So the buying behavior of a client is targeted in this segment. A clear example of this segmentation is when a group of people base their buying and travel needs on their children and family.
5. Decision-making

Source: readytrainingonline.com
The decision making group is based on the customers who decide to buy a product of service from a company.
What are the Advantages of Segmentation?
We have clearly seen that categorization of people on the basis of their buying preferences, decision making and demographic is important especially with specific services. It can prove to be very beneficial for a company and directly impact the success of a campaign. Increasing the customer base and also promoting customer retention is something a segment in a marketing cloud does.
None of the growth one expects from a business is possible without proper segmentation. In a marketing cloud there are different tools through which segmentation can be implemented. These include data extensions, query activities, groups, among other types of segmentation. Personalization of customer data is extremely important for creating effective segments that will give good results.
The Takeaway
It is very important to understand the market trends and perform an in depth analysis before even thinking about segmentation. One needs to analyze all the different responses of customers in order to successfully categorize them in any of the categories mentioned above.
It is directly responsible for the growth of a company and helps that marketing team with focusing on the right approach. It is especially important for production services that only cater to a specific audience. Segments allow higher customer retention and create a loyal customer base based on right marketing.