Eating disorders are much more than bulimia and anorexia. In fact, there is a lot of research that proves that people develop an unhealthy attitude towards food in childhood and later use it as a coping mechanism. There are also situations in which the disorder occurs later in life, as a result of certain events, stress, and trauma. This topic is very complex, and many people are not aware that they have eating problems, because they can not qualify them as bulimia or anorexia.
You may be surprised, but an eating disorder is binge eating and even exercise addiction. This happens to people who can not control how much they eat but then have a guilty conscience. Often this conscience is replaced by a lot of exercises and puts themselves in a state of exhaustion of the body. As you can see at, there is an appropriate treatment for all of these conditions. You just need to know the symptoms and be able to ask for help without being ashamed of your condition.
A problem can arise when people are unaware that they have a disorder. That is why it is important to recognize the symptoms at an early stage.
1. You are obsessed with food in any way
Food obsession is the first sign that something is wrong. Many people have different unhealthy attitudes towards food, and this can be:
– You keep talking about food
– Always looking for new diets
– Browse food blogs
– You are constantly inventing diets
– You are obsessed with calories
– You want to know the energy value of each product
– Obsessed to eat the right amounts of different foods
– Count how many bites you ate
– Strictly defined portion size
– You have a variety of eating rituals
To be realistic – eating is to provide us with enough energy during the day and stimulates metabolic processes in the body. An unhealthy attitude towards food is actually a psychological barrier, for fear that you may gain weight or not eat enough.
As mentioned, many of these obsessions come from childhood but can be acquired during adulthood too.

2. You’ve changed your eating habits overnight
You may notice that you are already avoiding your favorite foods, or adding spices and salt. Your loved ones may have already noticed that you have changed and comment on it out loud. You may refuse to eat anything while you are away. You also suddenly start to research and apply diets that are not typical for you. We all like to experiment with flavors, but if you were a gourmet and now consume bland food or vegan food substitutes, it is an alarm that you have actually developed an eating disorder.
Also, if you stop consuming gluten overnight or suddenly throw out carbs or fats, it is another sign of food obsession. Try to find out the reason for this sudden change in your habits.
3. You have physical symptoms of an eating disorder
Eating disorders also lead to a number of physical symptoms. So, the first sign is if you are losing weight or you have gained a few pounds. You may have decreased libido and sexual desire. Frequent dizziness is another symptom that you are not getting enough nutrients. Symptoms may include decreased energy, insomnia, abdominal pain, difficulty concentrating, changes in hair and skin quality, poor laboratory results, etc. Other symptoms include problems with concentration, muscle weakness, poor immunity, and constant cold, even when it is quite hot outside.

4. Psychological and behavioral symptoms
These symptoms are the most difficult to spot because they can often be attributed to other non-dietary conditions. But beware if you are constantly obsessed with body image, but also if you use food as a consolation for yourself. Of course, it is also a problem if you are punished for missing meals. People with eating disorders may be anxious during a meal, feel helpless, and constantly think about taking a laxative or diuretic after a meal.
If you suddenly develop obsessive rituals and food-related habits, it is also a disturbing sign that something is happening to you. It may happen that you do not want to eat in company, but you can also become overly sensitive to comments about your eating habits.

Recognize the disorder in yourself or a loved one
Generally, there are three categories of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.
Symptoms of anorexia nervosa include sudden weight loss, loose clothing, excessive exercise, calorie counting, laxative use, and a persistent belief that you are obese, even though you are wearing a small amount of clothing. Sometimes you can have panic attacks, and anxiety and be prone to self-harm.
Symptoms of bulimia nervosa are constant eating, but also vomiting, and using laxatives to keep food out of the body. Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are other symptoms of bulimia that you should not overlook.
And when it comes to binge eating disorder, this is a very new category, which means eating constantly, even when you are not hungry, even at night. People with BED eat a lot, but the food is bad because it does not contain nutrients, so your skin and hair look bad. The feeling of guilt is always present, but still, you cannot resist the offered piece of cake or pastry with cheese.
Early recognition of an eating disorder can help prevent more damage. The symptoms we have listed are really serious and if the unhealthy habits continue, there will be a decline in physical health. There are many cases that end in death because the lack of food exhausts the body and the organs can not function properly. In any case, it is good to know what is happening to you and to be aware when you have an unusual pattern in your habits.
Be careful of yourself and the people you love. That can save a lot of lives, and prevent further damage. Eating disorders are not a joke, so treat them properly, to avoid unwanted outcomes.