Technology keeps on changing and that’s why we get application updates and software updates on our smartphones. So if we need a software update, why not a hardware update? The service life of smartphones and their chargers is few years. After that, you will need to change them. Although some manufacturers provide the best quality but still the devices have become useless after few years.
The main reason is not the quality but a change in technology. It’s not even a decade that we got smartphones and they have changed a lot ever since. So is it right to use a charger of a 5-year-old mobile? No, it isn’t. Firstly, because there is a technology change and secondly, because that charger won’t be as effective. It is also highly possible that the charger is damaged internally.
So if you have been facing any problem with your charger or charging cable, you need a replacement. For some people, it is quite a tough task to find a trustworthy shop. And if you are not aware of the smartphone market, you can check here. Kabelmaatje has chargers and charging cables of almost all brands. So whether you have an iPhone or an android phone, you can find your charger here.
So how will you find out that you need to change your charger? Of course, if your charger is not charging the phone is the apparent reason but that’s not all. Sometimes, there are other signs that the charger is defective and it affects the battery of your phone. So here are some of the signs that will help you out to check your charger.
1. Slow charging

Slow charging is one of the common signs that a faulty or damaged charger will show. This will increase the charge time of your phone and you will think that it is your phone’s fault. Because if it is taking too long to go to 100 percent, you will blame it all on the battery of your phone. However, it is not your phone’s fault but the charger is to blame.
Therefore, it is important that you know the time it takes for your phone to reach 100 percent from 0. For example, you bought a new smartphone. The first thing that you should do is to use the battery completely until it drops to 1 percent. Now put it on charge and note the time. Likewise, you should note the time for every charge during the first and 2nd week.
This will give you a better insight into your smartphone. So if after some time, this time increases from 2 hours to 4 hours, you need to check it out. The first thing you need to do is to look out for another charger. You can go to a mobile shop and ask them for another charger. If the new one also takes the same time, there is a problem with the battery. If not, your charger needs to change.
2. Rusty ends

Source: Pinterest
This problem is not common in most cables. But if you have a cheaper phone and of a local manufacturer, you might encounter this problem. Moreover, the environment also plays an important role in this regard. If you live in a moist and highly humid region, it is also possible that the metallic parts get rusted.
So if there is a rusting problem, it will break the delicate pins and cause the failure of your charger. Therefore, pay attention to the metallic parts. If you observe any rust, clean it until it completely destroys the pin.
3. Physical damage to the cable

Source: Medium
If you observe any physical damage to the cable, you need to cover it up. It is possible that your charging cable got damaged from something and now the internal wires are breaking. But if the charger is still intact, you can tape up the damaged parts to prevent complete failure.
However, if the charger is not working, you need to change it. Because you cannot repair it now. So buy a new one now.
4. Several bends in the cable

Source: Panda Security
Electricity passes from the cable to the phone’s battery. Therefore, if there are any bends in the cable, it won’t be able to pass on the electrical power. And this is also the reason that the adapter works perfectly fine with another cable.
So if there is some problem with the cable and adapter is okay, you can just change the cable. However, this is not a permanent solution. Because sometimes, the cable and adapter do not work well together and increases the total charging time. Therefore, it is better to buy a completely new charger for your phone.
5. A lose connection

Source: The Mirror
You might also face problems with continuous disconnection. This happens when the cable does not fit perfectly in the adapter. A while ago, all the chargers were in one piece. However, with technological change and to bring innovativeness, the charging cable is separated from the adapter.
So you get it in 2 pieces. You have to plug the cable into the adapter. This is not a serious issue in itself but becomes a problem if you regularly unplug it. As this cable also acts as a data transfer cable, you will use it too. So when you start using it too much, the plugging and unplugging will lose the connection.
Final verdict
There can be a number of problems with the charger of your phone. It might get an internal circuit problem in the adapter or the cable might get any damage. Either way, you are left with no choice but to change it. So if you want your charger to work properly, you need to keep it to yourself. Do not give it to anyone because no one would take care of it as you do. And the more people use a thing, the more damage it can get. Moreover, your new phone will come with its own charger, so it is better to use it instead of the older one.