Ladies, you thought your underwear was doing its job — keeping your precious lady bits in place, modestly covered and safe from the elements. But you were wrong! You need underwear that does more, more, more! Especially when you’re on your period. May we suggest Simple Necessit-Ease undies? They look like regular panties in every single way, except they contain a secret polyester, waterproof, breathable lining. You need this when Aunt Flo is visiting because it provides protection from leakage, and will, says Simple Necessit-Ease founder Grace Soohoo, prevent period blood leaks from getting all over your outfit. Or, you could, you know, regularly change your tampon. Either way, these actually sound like a good idea in the days leading up to your period, when you’re not sure when it’ll arrive. We’re especially fond of the boyshorts style. [Simple Necessit-Ease]

Source: walmart

Source: necessit-ease
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