As professionals dedicated to the financing sector for almost two decades, we know that finding financing for your projects is complicated, delicate and exhausting. Even more if we talk about loans for SMEs or small companies, which usually have even more difficult things in terms of acquiring funds.
If you know first hand, because you are in this situation, it is very difficult to find financing for small companies that need the trust of entities to be able to get ahead; The post that we bring you today is the perfect one for you. Today we are talking about the characteristics and requirements that you must have to be able to access a loan of this type, the advantages of applying for a loan for SMEs or small companies and even what type of financing is best for you in the case that you are going from being a small company or SME to being a medium-sized company.
Do not miss it and find in this post the support and precise information you need to find the most suitable financing for your company and or small projects with which you have always dreamed and with which you are daring now.
What characteristics do these loans have?

Source: pacificcapitalconsulting
Precisely, the good thing about this type of loan for small companies or SMEs is that they have such typified characteristics that they do not give room for error. In fact, it is the idea that the characteristics are so clear and determined that makes it very simple and quick to realize whether or not these are the types of loans that you should choose in each situation and for each project. Well, the characteristics of which we spoke previously and which both facilitate the moment of the election and the application are the following:
The interest rates offered by this type of loan are much lower than usual. In fact, interest rates are linked to the lender and therefore cannot be higher than this standard indicates. In addition, the interest rate is lower than usual makes the conditions much more beneficial when requesting a loan since the amount of money to repay later grows at a slower rate leaving a greater margin of relief to whomever requests it.
The terms for the return of these credits are also longer. In fact, they can usually be returned up to a period of two years.
The repayment terms are also much more flexible than in other types of loans. By this we mean that the payments in which you are going to have to repay the loan can be devised to be made on a monthly, quarterly, etc… You can choose how and when to pay with a greater margin of freedom than in the case of other types more rigid loan.
In some special cases, these small business loans do not need guarantees to be granted. With which, we can say that it is a type of credit that has fewer guarantees than others.
Sometimes there are also special aids for the first investments. This means that when you apply for a small business loan, depending on your particular situation, they may provide you with some type of complementary help for the first investments you must make as a start up.
Which companies are they focused on?

Source: calalending
One of the most recurring questions on this topic is the following: What is the target audience for this type of loan?
You should know that small companies are understood to have the following requirements:
Companies that have less than 250 workers on their staff.
Companies whose volume of operations in a year does not exceed 50 million euros.
Companies whose asset value does not exceed 43 million euros.
Within SMEs are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. All of them are recipient companies of loans for SMEs.
Advantaes of small business loans

Source: merchantmaverick
- The main advantages offered by applying for this type of loan are the following:
- Greater flexibility when determining what will be the operation, periodicity and amount of payments.
- The existence of the option to apply for certain aid in the first investments.
- The absence of certain guarantees, such as the need to have a guarantee. Lower interest rates than usual because they are linked to the bureau.
What are the requirements of these loans for small businesses?

Source: mwtactics
The requirements you must have, in addition to being within the target audience we were talking about, are very simple. These requirements are as follows:
You must have your own funds in the name of the company that is going to request the loan.
Not having a record of incidents in past loan payments.
That the company requesting the loan carry out its activity in the country.
Other types of sba loans

Source: fitsmallbusiness
Equipment Financing
Nothing lasts forever. Equipment that is vital to running the business can be expensive. Investing a large sum in a new truck, compressor, or refrigeration unit can be debilitating if it is paid out of pocket. The equipment financing program creates affordable terms in larger offers, extending terms from 2 to 5 years in monthly payments. This is to make payments manageable so you can focus on getting the most out of the new machine, so that it can finally pay for itself.
Business Line of credit
A business line of credit is a Business Loans option for a business owner, where various funds are made available for use at any time. The business owner can withdraw from this line of credit, in any amount that the owner of the line of credit decides and only pay interest on that specific amount. Compared to the traditional loan structure, this gives the business owner access to more dynamic working capital that he can tailor to his specific needs. By enabling the credit line, you will be prepared for unpredictable moments and planning for the future.
Equipment leasing
Equipment leasing is another type of loan facility available to small business owners, where they can lease equipment from the lenders with the option to buy, but no obligation. You won’t have to worry about spending so much on acquiring equipments for your business.

Source: sbnewsroom
Good tips for getting approved for equipment leasing
Once you determine what equipment or machinery you need, and its cost, you should follow these tips
Clearly define how the teams will benefit your company, since it is something that the bank that provides the financing will want to know.
Organize your financial information and review your credit rating, both corporate and personal, since this will be the basis for authorizing your financing request.
If necessary, update your credit report information or be prepared to explain any discrepancies to the financing provider.
Research your options with different banks so that you can choose the most convenient in terms of interest rates, lease terms and service fees.
Narrow your options down to a few, and submit the appropriate requests, but be aware that if any are rejected, it will sound the alarm bells of another finance provider considering credit.
Thoroughly analyze what type of lease is right for you, be it for the amount of the monthly payments, the flexibility to update equipment periodically or the opportunity to purchase them at the end of the contract.
It is more cost effective, and easier to manage, than using the same lease to get multiple pieces of equipment.
Using the lease, with its tax benefits, as suggested by, is a smart move when it comes to making good use of limited resources. Research your options, compare the advantages of each, and choose the one that best helps your company meet its strategic and financial goals.
Working capital loan
The resources of a company are divided into two parts. The first, which is for real estate, machinery and furniture, is that of fixed assets. The second, which serves to pay salaries, products and bills for energy, water and telephone, among others, is working capital.
Working capital is money to pay for the trivial day-to-day needs of the business. It comes to represent 60% of the total assets of a company. When it is missing, urgent measures must be taken to reorganize the house. If you have working capital problems, then you should apply for working capital loans.
Small Business Loans: Learn 5 Steps to Getting Credit

Source: kiplinger
Getting small business loans is not always easy. In addition to identifying the needs of the business, the entrepreneur still needs to provide the financial institution with the necessary guarantees for the transaction to be carried out. But, what are the steps to be followed until the loan?
5 Steps to Secure Small Business Loans
Until you get to the bank to ask for a small business loan, there are a few steps to take. Here are five steps that can help you prepare better before taking credit.
Guarantees working capital
One of the main reasons why an entrepreneur seeks small business loans is the need for working capital. However, if the need is for expansion, having the capital already guaranteed beyond the value sought in the loan may help not to depend exclusively on credit. This guarantees encouragement to the employer when paying the installments.
Build a project and identify the need
The next step is to identify the reason for obtaining a loan. It can be from the purchase of machinery to the modernization and expansion of the company.

Source: thebogotapost
Create proper financial planning
This advice is directly related to the previous one. If you don’t have proper planning, your business expansion loan may compromise your finances in the future. Ideally, a financial strategy should be carried out before opting for credit.
Consider cash flow
Planning must anticipate the cash flow for the company. If not throughout the period, at least in the first 12 months. Regarding deadlines, avoid long-term fees, as this makes organization difficult.
Negotiate the best conditions with financial institutions
The last step is obtaining credit at the financial institution. In order to get the best small business loan rates, research is worth it. Many possibilities are offered for the entrepreneur, both in public banks and in private banks. Study which one best suits your financial conditions and your business model.
Did you like the step by step to get loans for your small business? It is important that the employer has detailed planning before resorting to these measures. After identifying needs, searching for the best conditions with financial institutions can guarantee more adequate interest rates.
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