Solar energy is not a novelty in this time and age. But, we’re still not harnessing enough of it for it to be the most dominant power source. It’s still trailing some of the more conventional power sources. But, things change. Things change rapidly, and sometimes the world around us becomes different without us noticing when and what happened. We believe that this situation awaits us when it comes to this type of energy. People are still reluctant to approach it as their daily source of energy and have many questions regarding its appliance.
One of the common ones is how long does it take for these panels to be installed? This is a fair question, and it is only fair that we start our talk about sun energy by answering it. Of course, there can’t be one simple answer, even if this is one straightforward question as they get. The first thing that you need to know is that it can’t happen quickly. One day or one night is not enough time for anything regarding solar panels to happen. So, don’t expect a quick fix.
Let’s start with one important thing for everything regarding the installation and usage of these products. Like in many other areas of life, this one comes to one simple question and one simple answer – where do you live? Location is what matters the most. Depending on your position on the global map, you’ll have to deal with different companies and different suppliers of solar panels. If you, for example, live in one of the Melbourne suburbs you don’t have to worry about being equipped with solar panels in no time as companies such as PV Connections operate there for some time now and are handling all matters sun energy with great care. Of course, Australia has so many sunny days that it is easy to understand that they have made some serious advancements in solar energy matters.
On the other hand, if you’re living in Northern parts of Europe, Norway or Denmark for example, solar energy is not all that popular due to the lack of sunny days. Mediterranean countries such as Greece or Spain enjoy much more sun, so solar energy is predominant in these places. We’re not even going to mention locations such as Canada or Alaska, where winters are long and cold, without too much sun to brag about. When you count all of this in, you understand that the quickness of sun panels installation will seriously wary on the place where you live. So, how long does it takes, generally speaking? Let’s take a look at everything that influences the final process.
Source: toptenzilla.comPrecise Location
So, we did a general location assessment above. But, it’s not about the continents and countries. The end game happens at your home. People in charge of work will have to come down to your home and see the site on their own. Not every location is suitable for solar panels. You’ll receive not only an assessment of your location but also approval. Your home needs to be in line with a few standards that are needed for the support of these panels. The focus will of course be on your roof. Furthermore, your electrical system will have to be able to take on all the energy created by these panels. So the roof support and electrical installations play a role here. This part of the work can take up to two weeks and is rarely below one week of work.
Attaining Permits
Installing solar panels is a construction project. As such it needs permission from local authorities. You’ll also want to give notice to your local HOA and homeowner’s association while you’re at it. In any case, the work mustn’t start before you have permits in place. Depending on where you live these permits might differ, so you need to take a deep look at them and discuss everything with the company you hired for the work. This process can take up to six weeks and is rarely done in less than two.

Not all solar panels are the same. Not all of them can get directly on your roof. In some instances, you could go with a standard product. In some cases, you’ll need to receive a unique product that suits the needs of yourself and your home the best. In this part, you’ll wish you hired true professionals as we suggested. Even if they don’t have solar panels or some necessary part in their stock, they’ll be able to tell you the timeline for production and installation. When you’re doing business with established companies this shouldn’t take more than two weeks.
When all of the above is taken care of, one could argue that installation is the easier part of this endeavor. It probably is. When everything is set in motion and the gear is already in front of your home the real work can start. You’ll be glad that with proper contractors you can handle this business in less than three days. As we said, it can’t be done in one day and one night, but you’d agree with us that three days is not a long time. After all, not even Rome was built in a day.

Inspection And Connection
When all is set and done, your contract with the company you hired for the purchase and installation of the solar panels is over. We’re once again on the part where you deal with the local authorities. A utility inspector needs to visit the site and conclude that everything is done up to standards and codes and that your system can be used for the production of energy. This could take up to one week, after which you can have your utility company visit the location to connect you to the grid. They will install the meter to see how much you’re producing and using for yourself and how much is excessive energy. This is the last step, and it shouldn’t take more than two weeks. Of course, it again comes down to the location where you live.
Bottom Line
As you can see, the process is a straightforward one, but it can’t be finished quickly. When you combine the time stamps we left for you above, you can conclude on your own. Getting to the end product which will be up and running and producing energy it can take from a few weeks up to a couple of months.