Being an artist today is great, and it is especially good to be a music artist. What are music artists? Music artists are people who do not have official promotions of their work and their careers, but they create for the general public and publish it on specialized platforms on the Internet. According to them, this is a much better option than investing too much in equipment, promotion in shows, programs, radios, websites, printed materials, etc., and that in the end results in bad results because the audience is oversaturated. That is why it is best to be a music artist or music artist who with his works will try to approach all listeners and give them a piece of music that they will enjoy.
Today there are many opportunities and many ways for an artist to first make music, do it well, and then place it on one of the music streaming platforms. Today it is important to make a great track and then release it on one of the big music platforms where people can stream and listen to it. One of these platforms is Sound Cloud, a platform that was a springboard and a start for a large number of music artists. All you need to do on this platform is to upload what you have created and then spread it out to a large audience. But how to do it? How to reach as many listeners as possible? We will talk more about that today in our article, and all you have to do is follow us to the end to find out more useful information for sharing music on the Sound Cloud service. Let’s get started! But first let’s see, what is Sound Cloud?

What is Sound Cloud and what is it for, what is its popularity?
It is a platform designed for artists and to promote their music on the Internet to the general public. This is a platform founded in 2007 by Swedish enthusiasts, and today the whole business is based in Berlin, Germany. The platform has been operating successfully for 14 years and you can find many new artists who try to please the audience with their music, but there are also big stars who place their prepared albums and singles on this platform where they will be available to all listeners. The popularity lies in the fact that each piece of music is just a few clicks away from the listener and he can choose what and at any time he wants to listen without any restrictions. And you are one of the many artists? In that case, here are some strategies in the form of tips on how to get more streams of your music posted on Sound Cloud.

Get more streams in a few steps
- Use hashtags and tags in order for listeners to better find you and your music – so that your music release can reach your listeners better, we recommend using hashtags and tags. They simply connect you better and easier with your listeners. For example, you can use hashtags that describe the type of music you make, then insert the words popular, new, hit and similar words to make it easier for listeners to get to your music, and thus get more streams from usually to be known and recognized by you and your music by any listener who is looking for something like what you have prepared.
- Make sponsored posts on Instagram to make it easier for your audience – sponsored posts are the latest and greatest way to rank among the many performers out there. That’s why we suggest you make a super cool post to do or a super cool post that you will post as an Instagram post and sponsor what you want to post. Have the post have parts of your music, and then post it all as a post or as a post and sponsor it. Carefully select the groups to which you want the sponsored post to reach in order to achieve the desired effect you have imagined, because only then will you get more streams.
- To popularize and impose your music as great you can also buy streams – today it is not easy to push new music if you are not famous. This is clear to all of us because there are a lot of people among us who create music and who struggle to push that music to the listeners. That’s why we suggest you popularize the post by buying streams on sites like and getting as many streams as you want. This way the listeners who have not heard of you will be able to look for you and hear you thinking that many people have already heard you and liked your music.
- You can also opt for YouTube ads – a few years ago the video platform YouTube started offering its space to publish sponsored content that will make it easier to get what is being advertised or the information that is place. You can choose to place your own video ad with your music tracks before the start of any of the many videos available on this platform or to place a banner that will link to your music. You know, YouTube is a very popular platform where you can also see your ad and take the listener to your music.
- There are many Facebook groups for musicians, post a link in them to expand the music you make – Facebook is slowly losing its popularity, but for promotion, it is still good because there are many groups through which all musicians and followers of musicians communicate ie music fans. You can decide to take such a step and join one of the groups or if you are already a member of one of the groups to start posting a link to your music where you will invite all listeners to hear what you have prepared for them.

Follow some of our suggested steps and increase the traffic to your Sound Cloud posts, thereby increasing the number of streams of your music. This way you will best acquaint the audience with what you are preparing for it.