So far, we’ve heard so many stories about blogging and bloggers who are making big bucks. Is it a reality or just good marketing? We’ll tell you the truth has a little bit of both. Still, good marketing is what leads you to profit. Therefore, the answer to the question is it is still worth starting a blog in 2024 – absolutely YES! Of course, provided that you know what you are doing and that you have enough patience.
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Blog Writing
Today, writing a blog seems to be a very lucrative business and a channel for providing easy earnings. However, you should think about everything in advance. Most beginners who have thought about starting their own blog think that it is enough to just write about something. That is a complete misconception. The facts show that today almost everyone, including primarily large companies – has their own blog. What do they write about on the blog?
They usually write on specific topics, that show they are serious and reliable. They deal with important issues related to the area or niche within which they operate. It’s no different with individual bloggers either. Many of them have found their niche within which they swim perfectly and after a while make money. While many believe that blog writing will be surpassed by other formats, media, or communication channels and this is far from the truth. Having your own blog will continue to be one of the most lucrative businesses and sources of income.

Source: hellotech
Can You Truly Earn Money From Writing A Blog?
The answer is – Yes, you can! However, making money from a blog cannot be achieved overnight. It takes a lot of time, and even more work and effort. Realistically, it will take you at least a year or two of constant work to create a valuable blog and community. That is your followers whose number will increase in time. If you are willing to wait for that much you must also be prepared for some other sacrifices as well. Count on the fact that in that case, you will no longer be able to spend time going out or enjoy other unproductive activities. On the contrary, you will invest all your free time to work on your blog.
What you must always keep in mind is that the content you write is decisive for your final result and ultimately your earnings. Keep in mind that only those who are the most persistent succeed on the Internet and who manage to offer what the market or visitors want.

Source: Hootsuite Blog
You Want To Make Money From Your Blog But You Don’t Know How
To make money by writing a blog you need to create it. If you still don’t have a blog you don’t know what you’re missing. For many people, the blog made a complete change in their lives primarily in financial terms, but also in a creative way. That’s why we recommend everyone to start their own blog as soon as possible. Determine your niche or your topics. Make sure you market it in a simple and fun way. Keep in mind that no one likes boring and dry texts that are too long and will not interest the reader. Make sure your blog is complemented by other creative content such as photos or videos. It is best when the photos and videos are authentic. For example, if you have chosen to write about your travels enter some of your photos and video clips from your trips and vacations. The fact is that readers love to take a peek into the private life of the person whose text they are reading.
Therefore, offer them a little which will mean a lot to them. And it will mean to you as well primarily in terms of earnings. If you still want to start a blog, you can take a look at this website so you can do it in a very simple way. You can make it in just 30 minutes.

How Do You Earn Money When Having A Blog?
As the community that follows your blog develops, you become more visible on the internet. Your organic visits should be good enough to catch your eye and stand out from the others. So you need to be persistent to create a valuable blog. Many successful bloggers have gained authority and their visitors trust them and some of them want to buy their services or the products that bloggers advertise. So, similar to the influencers on Instagram but with a better perspective in the long run.
Earnings From Advertising
Earning from advertising on a blog means any exchange of money for displaying textual, image, or video content to promote a company, service, or product. Advertising revenue works by the ad network delivering ads most commonly banners, that appear on a blog. For each click on the ad, or in some cases for every 1000 ad impressions, the blog owner is compensated for a certain amount of money by the advertising network.

Sponsored Content And Blog Posts
This is certainly the most popular method of earning money because just like with influencers can bring you some great business associates. And what do we really mean by sponsored content or sponsored posts? Sponsored content is any content posted on a blog whose creation is sponsored. Such content does not necessarily promote the sponsor. Sponsored posts are posts created by the author of the blog in collaboration with the sponsor. Through their content, such posts are exclusively oriented towards the direct or indirect promotion of the services or products of the sponsor.
You need to look at your blog as a platform and not just as a blog. The big difference between professional bloggers and amateurs is that earning bloggers look at their blog as a platform that is testing various ways to make money. They use their blog to connect with people. The more ways you find to make money from blogging, the more you will earn. Be creative. When you start blogging for the first time, there will be no earnings until you connect with your audience. When your blog starts to grow then you can create a real online business that will bring you regular earnings even while you sleep.